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A Doctor Asks a Question from His Heart

December 14, 2005 |  


  1. A Doctor Asks a Question from His Heart
  2. My Mother's Sister Will Never "Transform"
  3. Awakening
  4. A Consul Says the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Is Just Looking for Trouble When It Persecutes Falun Gong
  5. A Colleague Resigns from the CCP

A Doctor Asks a Question from His Heart

An old lady who lives close to me is nearly 70 years old. She has had a rough life. She lost her husband early on. In her old age, she opened a noodle shop with her two sons, who do not make any effort to succeed. In October of this year when the old lady was visiting her native countryside, a car ran her over. She was sent to a hospital in no time at all, but after she was checked out, there was nothing wrong.

The doctor who examined her was so surprised that he asked something which was on his mind, "Are you a Falun Gong practitioner?" Eight and nine are not far from ten. As expected, the old lady said, "I am not, but I carry a card given to me by Falun Gong practitioners."

The old lady left the hospital and went home after a few days of observation. She left the hospital on October 16, and I saw her on October 18. She was working as usual in her shop.

My Mother's Sister will Never "Transform"

A little while ago, a 610 Office in Hubei and the Public Security Department implemented a persecution campaign against Falun Gong once again. They required practitioners registered in the books of each jurisdictional local police station to fill out a so-called "Transformation Form."

The niece of a practitioner went to her local police station to take care of some business and saw a pile of forms laid on the table. The police told her that they were the forms the "transformed" Falun Gong practitioners had signed. The niece flipped through the pages. There were over 40 forms, and on one of them she saw her mother's sister's name. The niece rushed to ask a nearby practitioner, who told her, "Your aunt is so determined that she definitely would not 'transform.' The only possibility is that a relative filled out the form for her." The niece hurried back to the local police station, found the form with her aunt's name, ripped it apart, and said, "My aunt has had so many health problems that were are all healed through practicing Falun Gong. She would never 'transform,' she would never 'transform!'"

Since then, the police from this local police station have not asked the Falun Gong practitioners to fill out the "transformation" form.


A practitioner was clarifying the truth about Dafa to Friend A. She talked about the current bird flu epidemic, the corruption of greedy officials in the wicked CCP, and the endless natural and man-made disasters. Friend A's entire family proceeded to announce their "Three Resignations" in no time. Then Friend A told the news to Friend B. Friend B went to find a practitioner immediately and arranged for his entire family to announce their resignations from all CCP organizations. It looks like the common people are now being more and more awakened.

A Consul Says the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Is Just Looking for Trouble When It Persecutes Falun Gong

A friend of mine is a consul who works in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We bumped into each other the other day. After exchanging greetings, my friend asked me about my current work and life situation. I then honestly told him about how the CCP has persecuted me due to my practice of Falun Dafa. My friend asked what I planned to do. I said, "I cannot betray my own conscience, and the CCP's persecution is illegal." The friend said with appreciation, "You are noble. You are respectable!" My friend said that the CCP persecution's of Falun Gong is just looking for trouble. My friend also told me that, when he participated in the CCP's party school study, the group also discussed the issues of Tibet, Xinjiang, Taiwan, the Democratic Movement, and Falun Gong, all of which the CCP faces. They thought that most of these issues were caused by improper handling by the CCP.

I went on to tell my friend of Mr. Chen Yonglin, the former First Secretary of the Chinese Consulate in Sydney, to let him further understand the truth of Dafa. Mr. Chen quit the CCP and has chosen the bright path.

A Colleague Resigns from the CCP

A former colleague of mine, A, had learned Dafa before. However, she gave it up after the evil persecution began in 1999. In May 2005, several former colleagues who got along well with each other got together. There, I told colleague A of the truth about Dafa and about the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. Colleague A works as a manager in a private enterprise. She was a CCP member. Moreover, she was engaged in the evil party's supervisory jobs. I urged Colleague A to resign from the party, but because of her fear of the party, she did not quit at that time. I later made a phone call to colleague A and further clarified the truth. She finally agreed to resign from the party using an alias.

One day after colleague A resigned from the evil party organization, she called me on phone. She wanted to tell me how, for over 10 years, she not to be able to sleep at night due to her diabetes. Every night, she could only sit in bed after 2 a.m. and wait for dawn. After she resigned from the party, she was able to sleep through the night, and she slept very well. She was extremely happy.

Colleague A keeps thanking me. I told her to thank our great and merciful Teacher. I urged her not to give up on the practice. Colleague A immediately indicated that she would practice anew.