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Practitioner Cui Shimin from Tieling County, Liaoning Province Persecuted, Jailed, and Denied Medical Treatment

December 13, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Cui Shimin, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Dadianzi Town, Tieling County, Liaoning Province, went to Beijing several times to appeal for justice for Falun Gong after the persecution began in 1999. He endured persecution by both the city and county police departments and eventually was fired from his job and forced into homelessness with his wife. They continued to clarify the truth to the public while the county police continued to persecute them.

At the end of 2004, the county office sent a notification stating that Mr. Cui would be paid retroactively for his past wages so long as he came back to the county. So Mr. and Mrs. Cui went home and they were paid two months worth of wages and were told that the balance would be paid on May 1, 2005.

However, in February 2005, officers from the county police department forcefully arrested Mr. Cui. The officers were so violent that they threw him to the ground, injuring his back as he held onto the home heating radiator while resisting the arrest. The injury was so severe that that even now he cannot walk with his back straight. Mr. Cui was illegally detained in the county forced labor camp near Qilitun after his arrest.

Recently, the authorities again sent a notification to have Mrs. Cui pay 10,000 yuan for her husband's medical expenses. Mrs. Cui didn't comply with this unreasonable demand, so the officers from the county police arrested her and later let her go after extorting 10,000 yuan from them. Mr. Cui's injury still didn't get proper medical attention.

According to analysis, it was likely that the police department had wiretapped or installed a video monitoring device in Mr. Cui's home, because the authorities seemed to know all the details about their activities at home including their offering incense to Teacher as a gesture of respect during the Chinese New Year. There is no other way the police could have known these things because the couple didn't have visitors on those days and there were no police monitoring activities around their house at that time.

Furthermore, the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in Dadianzi Town is still very serious. Many practitioners have difficulty obtaining current Dafa materials and they are afraid to meet up with each other because many of them are being watched by the authorities.