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Lives Assimilated to the Fa Are Fortunate

December 01, 2005 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hubei Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Master has said that practitioners who have obtained the Fa will have good fortune. Recently practitioners in our area shared experiences and we really had this understanding.

Practitioner A said that she has cultivated herself amidst setbacks and tribulations, and she earnestly understands what fear is. When she assimilates to the Fa, gets rid of fear and walks a straight path in a dignified and upright manner, a good feeling arises that cannot be felt by everyday people.

Two years ago practitioner A experienced direct persecution from the evil and she was afraid. One day she was paralyzed with fear and felt very weak. She was so weak that her eyes were almost closed. Then she thought of Master and about the old forces that are persecuting Dafa and Dafa disciples. Her mind became clear immediately and she shouted from the bottom of her heart, "Hey you old forces!" Upon breaking through the illusion and having this righteous thought, the interference vanished. She clearly felt that an obstacle had been eliminated from her mind, and practitioner A immediately returned to the state that a Dafa disciple should have.

Practitioner B was over fifty years old and her face was always peaceful and calm. For two years practitioner B overcame all kinds of interference and normally and steadily organized group Fa-study at her home, rain or shine. Sometimes there were a dozen people and sometimes there were four or five people. Nearby, several more Fa study groups were brought together. We study the Fa together every day except Sundays.

Master said in Explaining the Content of Falun Dafa,

"Assistants, your responsibility is no less than that of the abbot in a monastery."
"Guiding a group of cultivators well accumulates boundless merit and virtue."

The home of practitioner B is located in an open courtyard. Such a location cannot avoid arousing suspicion. People coming and going from their own homes can always see the activity in her home. There is a dormitory in the street committee office across from her home and there are frequently people from the street committee in front of her home. On December 30, 2003, some community security members stayed at her home very late and did not leave. She felt anxious thinking, "Practitioners are coming to study the Fa, what if these people do not leave?" After composing herself she said to herself, "Don't be afraid, no matter what happens we'll still keep studying the Fa together. Besides, it's even more important on the eve of Chinese lunar New Year."

After she had that thought, the security staff left her home in succession. Afterwards, practitioners arrived one after another, and group Fa study proceeded as expected. Master said,

"Dafa disciples' righteous thoughts are powerful." (Essentials for Further Advancement II)

Practitioner B and all practitioners in her study group placed emphasis on sending forth righteous thoughts according to Master's guidance. There has been a lot of interference in the last two years, however, it has disintegrated under the effect of the strong righteous thoughts of Dafa disciples. Sometimes her husband complained that she did not do dish washing and at other times he said that too many people came over. However, practitioner B was never moved in her heart. While practitioners arrived for Fa-study, there would be many people standing in front of her home just like at inspection time. Practitioner B sent forth righteous thoughts and everyone cleared out right away. When encountering big interference, all the practitioners would raise their hands and send forth righteous thoughts for half an hour until things became quiet again.

For several years practitioner B promoted Dafa according to Master's guidance, patiently taught the exercises to new practitioners and held 9-day workshops on Master's Fa lectures. There are three older ladies who learned. One is over sixty years old, one is seventy-three years old and the other is eighty-three years old. They obtained the Fa, studied the Fa, cultivated solidly, sent forth righteous thoughts and clarified the truth. Their xinxing was upgraded very quickly, as the environment of group Fa study is the best for refining practitioners. When new practitioners began to learn, practitioner B taught them the exercises at her home. Every morning she played the video tapes of Fa lectures after doing the five exercises. She played the Fa lectures at her home for nine days and then new practitioners listened to the tapes of Fa lectures at their own homes. Practitioner B guided new practitioners for almost one year. Among them, the new practitioners, one seventy three years old and one eighty three years old, were illiterate when they started, however the eighty three year old lady could now read through Zhuan Falun. What's more amazing is that this older lady has never held a pen. A while ago Master's article, titled "The Red Tide's Wane" was published and one veteran practitioner met the older practitioner and invited her over to read the article. Because there was only one copy of the poem, in order to share Master's new article with the Fa-study group as soon as possible, the older lady made a copy of it herself and showed it to the Fa study group. Later the group got a printed copy of the article. They compared it with the handwritten one and found that there was not one mistake. Everyone was surprised at the miraculous power of the Fa. Miracles will indeed happen to those who obtain the Fa.

Several months ago, because the son of her late husband was anxious to get married, he requested of practitioner B and her husband an amount of money that was beyond their financial ability to provide. Since his request was not satisfied, he became upset toward practitioner B. At dinner, he threw a bowl of hot rice at her head in anger, and then he punched her in the right eye. Immediately, blood shed like water on the head of practitioner B. Rice mixed with blood and her right eye was so swollen that she could barely see.

In the face of the sudden tribulation, the first reaction of practitioner B was to remember that she was a practitioner. Afterwards she went to the home of another practitioner to share understandings. She discovered the omissions in her xinxing, and the bleeding on her head immediately stopped. Practitioner B asked Master for assistance and a hint, and she sent forth righteous thoughts for two nights consecutively. She insisted on not lying in bed in order to avoid the continuing persecution by the dark minions and rotten demons arranged by the old forces, and she kept doing what she should do during the day. Due to the swollen eye, she could not see the words when reading Zhuan Falun. Practitioner B said in her mind to the old forces, "You evil want to drag me down and destroy me, but I do not acknowledge your arrangements. I am not taken in by you. In the mean time, I completely eliminate all evil that persecutes Dafa. Even though I can not see I am still reading and studying, and finally I will see."

After the neighbors saw her swollen eye they advised her to call the police, but she guarded her xinxing and remained unaffected by human notions. Her husband told her to go to the hospital, but she did not go. Her husband said, "If you recover after enduring for several days, then I will accept Falun Gong." In a few days practitioner B got well and her husband was convinced. After the neighbors heard about it, they all regarded it as a miracle. Since then the environment in the courtyard towards Falun Gong has changed a lot.

Later, the evil Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started its second so-called campaign, "Education Movement to Maintain Advancement," and there were some people watching her. She said to the person who watched her, "We cultivate 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance' to be good people. Think about it, if I did not learn Falun Gong, and my stepson had beaten me like that, I certainly would never forgive him. It is a shameful action to monitor good people, and doing so will elicit karmic retribution." The person assigned to watch her quickly came to understand her and problems were averted.

Soon after, her stepson (who had beaten her) got involved in a difficult relationship with his fiancée, and his fiancée sued her son. He was then forced to stay in the detention center. Facing this situation, practitioner B sent out a thought with compassion, "He is also a life to be saved, so let him reflect in the detention center and hopefully he will be a better person after he comes out." After her son was released he told her, "Mom, I was reflecting inside the detention center. I was wrong and I should not have beaten you. Going to the detention center is the retribution I received." In the days that followed, her stepson was very respectful to her.

Practitioner C was an older lady in her seventies who always had a smile on her face. She could recite Zhuan Falun and Master's articles without any mistakes. She did the three things without any omissions every day, and she also attended group study. She diligently joined the teams to send forth righteous thoughts in close proximity to the detention center and brainwashing class. The righteous thoughts and actions of this older lady positively affected the surrounding environment. Moved by Dafa, her husband also went with her to distribute leaflets and to post truth-clarifying material and hang Dafa banners. Practitioner C said, "Regarding the three things, some practitioners always emphasize 'rationality' again and again. I feel that our 'rationality' should be from the perspective of the Fa. It should not ever be used to sustain one's attachment of fear and not doing things. It is important to correctly position the base point. I truly feel that we should never be away from the Fa, even momentarily."

Practitioner D was in her seventies. One day she went to buy food, spreading the Fa to people who went the same way. She was reported by a person from the street office. Although practitioner D did not cooperate with them, they still confiscated a CD from her handbag. At that time, practitioner D was very righteous and calm. She was not afraid at all and said, "Look: on my neck hangs a card that reads, 'Falun Dafa is good,' 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.' Let me give it to you." They looked at each other in speechless despair and said, "Keep it for yourself." Then they left.

In the building that practitioner D lives in, from the first floor to the top floor, there are banners saying, "Falun Dafa is good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good." After persons from the street office saw this, they rushed into the home of practitioner D and asked, "You have items related to Falun Gong?" Practitioner D unhurriedly answered with a smile, "Yes, come in and please sit down. They are everywhere." These persons took a look around and found everywhere statements of, "Falun Dafa is good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good." They pointed at the picture of Master and asked, "Who is this?" Practitioner D said, "This is my Teacher and he is the best Teacher who saves sentient beings in a dignified and upright manner." They said fearfully, "Don't propagate Falun Gong everywhere any more." Practitioner D mildly told them, "I only do good deeds and not bad deeds."

The experiences of Practitioner D validated what Master said in "Drive out Interference,"

"The Fa can break all attachments, the Fa can destroy all evil, the Fa can shatter all lies, and the Fa can strengthen righteous thoughts." ("Drive out Interference" from Essentials for Further Advancement II)

Dafa disciples in the Fa-rectification period are the leading actors in this historic period. Practitioners who really assimilate to the Fa can consciously face all kinds of complex and dangerous situations in ordinary society, eliminate the impure mentality and validate Dafa. At the same time they can assist Master in accomplishing the important historic task of saving sentient beings, thereby fulfilling the most solemn vows in the universe and achieving immeasurable virtue that is unprecedented in the history of the universe. Isn't it joyous for these lives? Actually, how can the word "happiness" convey the wonderfulness and magnificence that these lives have achieved? We can only treasure an opportunity as rare and precious as this, treasure the fleeting moment to cultivate, really believe in Master and Dafa, be "...diligent without letting up" (from "A Righteous God") and make ourselves worthy of the name "Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples."