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Distributing Dafa Truth Clarifying Materials Righteously

November 06, 2005 |  


To keep up with Fa-rectification work, in May 2004 I set up my home as a resource center for Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials in our area. Practitioner "Andrew" ran through with me how to access the Internet and download files. Then, for security purposes, he would take the disks after the files had been downloaded and print them somewhere else. Andrew was unemployed. With a family of three to support, he still managed to take out 50 yuan a month to pay for the cost of printing. Other practitioners had also been contributing regularly towards running the center, varying from 10 to 200 yuan each, depending on each individual's ability. As most of them are unemployed, I am really grateful for their sincere support.

Our printed materials include weekly papers and magazines, the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, and other informational booklets. After giving them out to other practitioners for distribution, we are responsible for distributing the rest. Andrew is a man of few words, but when it comes to clarifying the truth to people, he is very eloquent and people like to listen to him. Andrew has his own way when it comes to distributing Dafa materials to people. Every week, he manages to give out 100 or more copies and talks to everyone, be they familiar or unfamiliar faces.

I remember once when both of us went to distribute Dafa materials. On the way, he gave out nearly 30 copies, nobly and without fear. When we arrived at a supermarket, after giving out two sets, he handed one to a security guard. After looking at the paper, the security guard told Andrew to leave and said that flyers were not allowed to be distributed there, pointing to the regulations on the wall. Andrew then started to clarify the truth to him. After talking with him for a while, the security officer's attitude started to change, as if he suddenly understood something. As for me, I was a bit nervous, worrying that something might happen. I kept clearing the negative elements in the environment with my righteous thoughts. Later, the officer broke into a smile and said, "You seem to have good reasons for doing this. All right, I will take a look at your paper. Go in and get what you want." After leaving the supermarket, Andrew gave out a few more copies.

Passing a bank and seeing that there were lots of people inside, Andrew walked in, while I stepped up my righteous thoughts. While handing out the papers, Andrew told them, "This is the latest and most reliable information you should know." Most people accepted them.

Looking at the way Andrew passed out the Dafa truth clarifying materials, I was extremely happy. His actions reminded me of what Teacher said,

"If every one of you can understand the Fa from the depths of your mind, that will truly be the manifestation of the Fa whose power knows no boundary--the reappearance of the mighty Buddha Fa in the human world!"

("Cautionary Advice" in Essentials For Further Advancement)

That is the mighty Dafa. However powerfully the evil seemingly behaves, it will not escape the final judgment of righteousness.

At the final stages of Teacher's Fa-Rectification work, regardless of the present condition of our environment, as Dafa practitioners we must present ourselves righteously to humankind; only then will a better environment be created. Only by maintaining strong righteous thoughts when distributing Dafa truth-clarifying materials will people be willing to listen and accept them. The key, of course, is to study the Fa more. When we are able to look at the Fa from the Fa's perspective, then harmonization with the Fa will be achieved, and the three things stipulated by Teacher can be carried out well.

Let us keep in mind Teacher's words: "The Closer to the End, the More Diligent You Should Be."