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Summary of Other Articles and News - October 31, 2005

November 22, 2005 |  


Facts of the Persecution

1. [Jinyun County, Zhejiang Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Fan Zhongzhuang Tortured in Shiliping Forced Labor Camp

Mr. Fan Zhongzhuang from Jinyun County, Zhejiang Province, was twice illegally detained in forced labor camps for a total of four and a half years. During detention, he was forced to sit on the Tiger Bench and put in solitary confinement, where he suffered mental torture, which scarred his mind. Now Mr. Fan cannot work and the quality of his life is uncertain. He and his family have suffered much.


2. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] A Partial Account of the Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Ding Shumei

Ms. Ding Shumei, an elementary school teacher from Zhangjiakou City, wrote a letter to an official clarifying the truth of Falun Gong and telling how her practice had brought her much benefit since she began Dafa cultivation in March of 2000. As a result, Ms. Ding was illegally imprisoned at the Xuanhua Police department for over one month. During her detention term, the Xuanhua police incited criminals to force feed her nearly to death. After she was released, Ms. Ding was detained again at the Xuanhua Police Department. Ms. Ding was tortured to the point that she became mentally disoriented as a result of the constant abuse. On August 10th, 2005, Ms. Ding was sent to the Gaoyang forced labor camp, where she was beaten, cursed, and shocked with electric batons. She is very weak. Currently, Mr. Zhang Zenyuan, Mr. Wang Shimin, and Mr. Wang Cungen have also been sentenced to forced labor camps.


3. [Wuchang City, Hubei Province] The Donghu Police Behave Like Gangsters

On April 28th,2005, the Donghu police broke into Ms. Yang's house and arrested Ms. Yang Huagui, her husband, their daughter, and their neighbor. On September 23rd, the police broke into Li Qingzuo's house and arrested Li Qingzuo, his daughter, and his daughter-in-law. Meanwhile, other police went to Bai Yufu and Zhang Lixin's house and entered forcefully, creating a mess. Mr. Zhang Lixin was not allowed to use the lavatory and his child could not go to school. All of his Dafa books, Master's picture, computers, and printer were pillaged. The police abducted Bai Yufu and Zhang Lixin. They also attempted to abduct their daughter who was fourteen years old, but the child was scared and stayed in her room all day long. Then, they abducted Ms. Xiao who lived in Donghu. Ms. Zhang Xiumin was also abducted and her property was confiscated when she visited their house.
