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Eliminating Attachments and Modifying Notions

November 21, 2005 |   By a Dafa disciple in China

(Clearwisdom.net) In "The closer to the end, the more diligent you should be," Master said:

"For cultivators traveling a divine path, is it really that hard to get rid of those attachments that arise from human thinking and to change those notions? If a cultivator doesn't want to get rid of even those things, well, how is he to show that he's a cultivator?"

After I read that paragraph, I felt Master's enormous compassion and deep concern towards those practitioners who are not progressing well. Deep in my heart, I realized that a person is not really a practitioner if he cannot get rid of his human attachments through cultivation and change his warped human notions.

From appearances, I am doing the three things every day. But I realized that I did those because I was asked to, and treated the three things that Dafa disciples have to do well as a job. I figured that I was okay since I did three things, and I could come home with Master. Is this a heart of self- complacency or a heart seeking consummation? How can we do the three things well with these kinds of attachments? Now I know why I was so sleepy when I studied the Fa recently. During a three hour Fa study session, I was awake for a while and slept for a while, and, in the end, didn't remember anything.

In Minghui Weekly, I learned that many fellow practitioners were arrested recently. The first thought that came to my mind was not to send forth- righteous thoughts to help fellow practitioners. Instead, I was thinking that I must cultivate well, perform the three things diligently, and believe in Master and Dafa, and to make sure that evil will not take advantage of my weaknesses and persecute me. Immediately, I realized that the reason I believe in Master and Dafa is to avoid being arrested and persecuted. This is a huge omission! This is extremely selfish! It is a realistic manifestation of selfishness. Using the Fa as an umbrella and an amulet for protection, I cultivate Dafa to get rid of illness and retribution, and to seek a comfortable life. One is not even a good person, and not to mention using the name of Dafa disciple in the Fa-rectification period if he takes advantage of Dafa only and does not serve Dafa. However, the side of me that knows understands that Dafa disciples made grand vows before history, and we came here to validate the Fa and to save sentient beings. I also understand that cultivating well and saving as many sentient beings as possible are a Dafa disciples' responsibility.

Why do I have such an impure heart and strong attachment? After studying the Fa and reading fellow practitioners experience sharing articles, I realized that all those impure thoughts and warped notions are alive and physically exist. If we want to eliminate them, they will resist. They will take advantage of our attachments; even magnify them to interfere with our cultivation. We are giving them energy, allowing them to grow, and giving them strength to interfere with our performing the three tasks if we follow their thoughts. This really helps the old forces. No! I must not allow it to happen. I must recognize them, eliminate my attachments, replace warped notions with "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance," use "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance" to judge my thoughts and notions, let my actions and language meet the requirements of a Dafa disciple, and not do anything with human attachments.

In "The closer to the end, the more diligent you should be," Master said:

"So how can Dafa disciples--who are to achieve the Attainment Status of a being who is saved by Dafa and who have the most convenient cultivation way--not be even more diligent when they are given this most glorious honor of Fa-validating cultivation in a brief cultivation period that passes in the blink of an eye?"

Fellow practitioners, the words "passes in the blink of an eye," tell us that we don't have much time. Master has endured a lot for us. If we don't cultivate well, how can we face our great and compassionate Master, how can we face sentient beings who are waiting to be saved by us, how can we realize our grand vows made before history? Fellow practitioners, let us cultivate well as a team, perform the three things more diligently, and make fewer mistakes. Let us make our Master happy and worry free by cultivating well.