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The Story of a Practitioner's Supportive Husband

November 02, 2005 |   By a practitioner in China


Although he is not a practitioner, a practitioner's husband has been helping to clarify the truth and distribute truth-clarifying literature since July 1999, when Jiang's regime started its brutal persecution of Falun Gong. At home he always reminds his wife, a Falun Gong practitioner, to not forget to study the Fa, send forth righteous thoughts and practice the Falun Gong exercises. Sometimes his wife fell short in her cultivation, and he kindly encouraged her to continue. One day, when his wife hesitated to distribute truth-clarifying flyers, he said, "Don't worry. You can go study the Fa at home. I'll do it whenever I have time. It's not difficult to pass out these flyers."

In late November 2004, the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party was published on the Epoch Times website. Because he accepted the CCP education he'd received since he was a child, he initially refused to even read the Nine Commentaries. He said that Dafa practitioners were involving themselves in political affairs. But after a few practitioners clarified the truth to him more in depth, he gradually realized the true nature of the CCP. He read the entire Nine Commentaries in one night. One day he helped to distribute the book in nearby communities. After he got home, practitioners started checking to see if there was any duplicate distribution of the book. It was found that one family had received two books. As the book was so precious and in short supply, he decided to get one book back from the family. He said, "Don't worry, I have an idea." He went out and soon returned with the book.

On February 15, 2005, Teacher Li published his new article, "Turning the Wheel Towards the Human World." He realized after reading it that quitting the CCP, the Youth League and the Young Pioneers was very important. The next day, starting at first light, he visited his close friends, his brother, the head of the village and the formal Secretary of the village CCP Committee, talking about the Nine Commentaries to each family, and convincing them to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

One day this March, while he was driving a truck loaded with more than 1,500 kilograms of corn, another big truck approached from the opposite direction. He quickly maneuvered his truck to the right side of the road to make way. At that moment, a 16-year-old boy who was riding a bike suddenly came out from a small alley and collided with his truck. Although he tried to swerve away from the boy, the truck wheels still ran over the boy's lower legs. He immediately called for a taxi to take the boy to the city hospital 50 miles away. On their way to the hospital in the taxi, he kept asking for Teacher's help in his heart, "I've never committed any major wrongdoing in my life. Please rescue this boy. Don't let his legs be broken. I'll drive more carefully next time. Please, please rescue him!" After the doctors examined the boy's legs at the hospital, they told him that everything was okay. He was so touched that he didn't know how to express his appreciation for what Teacher did for him.

Since then, although he's not a Falun Gong practitioner, he's always keeps Dafa in mind in his daily life. He makes his living by buying and selling corn and wheat; buying from farmers and selling in the bigger markets. Currently in China, many people do bad things in business in order to make money. When he goes to buy corn, instead of taking a measure with him, he accepts the sellers' measurements of the weight of their products. Others who buy and sell grain are sometimes unable to buy them, but he is always able to buy grain because of his honesty and good reputation. He is content whether a farmer is willing to sell their products to him or not, but he makes a point of telling each of them that Falun Dafa is good. He tells everyone he meets, no matter his or her age or circumstance.

One day this year he went to a village to buy corn. He met an old woman, and he started to clarify the truth to her. He told her that he never deceives the farmers when buying products from them, and that he is happy to let the farmers measure their products themselves. The old lady felt that what he told her was impossible. Who had ever heard of such an honest businessman? According to the current standard, he was behaving like a fool. Despite her misgivings, she sold her corn to him, and found that he'd told her the truth. She said to him with pleasure, "You may come again tomorrow, and I'll help you buy more corn." With her help, he easily purchased corn in that village for nearly a month. Most of the farmers in the village sold corn to him, and they all learned that "Falun Dafa is good."