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Summary of Other Articles and News - November 5, 2005

November 16, 2005 |  


Facts of the Persecution

  1. Mr. Wang Fuping from Zhaoqing City was illegally imprisoned in a forced labor camp. His family is looking forward to his return.
  2. Mr. Wang Fuping, a Dafa practitioner from Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, was sentenced in March 2005 to a one-year term of forced labor for handing out truth-clarifying material. So far he has endured eight months of persecution in the Sanshui Forced Labor Camp. Mr. Wang provides the sole financial support for his family. His family members and children are all eager for his early return.


  3. Practitioners Ma Chunli and Zhu Guoyou from Dehui City, Jilin Province, were illegally sentenced to six years
  4. Dafa practitioners Ma Chunli and Zhu Guoyou from Dehui City, Jilin Province were both arrested on December 14, 2004, and have been imprisoned for eleven months. On October 21, 2005, they were illegally sentenced to six-year prison terms by Dehui City Court in Jilin Province. This is the second time since August 16 that the Dehui City Court has tried practitioners.


  5. Dafa practitioners Liu Yunpeng and Li Yong from Huludao City, Liaoning Province have been illegally given forced labor camp sentences

On October 14, 2005, Liu Yunpeng and Li Yong were both "illegally arrested" by the 610 Office police in Huludao City. The police confiscated personal property from both of these practitioners and stole many valuables such as computers. The police then imprisoned these two practitioners in a detention center. Recently people have said that the police have already sent them to the Huludao Forced Labor Re-education Center.
