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My Understanding of Master's Poem "A Will That Ebbs Not"

November 01, 2005 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from China


Master recently published the poem "A Will That Ebbs Not." At this final stage of Fa-rectification, Master has written this poem and pointed things out benevolently. It must be common that practitioners have exhibited a despondent state and slackened in their resolve to be diligent. What is a will that should not ebb? The following is my understanding.

The will to fulfill our grand wish from a prehistoric time should not ebb. The will to save all sentient beings should not ebb. The will to get over all interference to study the Fa should not ebb. The will to keep up with the process of Fa-rectification should not ebb. At the final stage when the evil is recklessly frantic in the final fight, our will to eliminate it should not ebb. Amid the Fa-rectification, the will to always look within ourselves, eradicate our fundamental attachments, assimilate to the Fa unconditionally, and to meet the standards of the new cosmos should not ebb. In a word, the will to do well the three things should not ebb.

"A Will That Ebbs Not" embodies not only the whole process of validating the Fa, but also the things to validate the Fa at this present stage. For instance, we should eliminate CCP slander with our righteous thoughts, abolish evil schemes to persecute us, eradicate the evil behind the persecution of fellow practitioners, and discard our attachments. "With a determined heart, lift the feet with legs weighing thousands of pounds." Every thought is important, and all that has happened in this world is due to the heart of Dafa practitioners. If our righteous thoughts are not strong, and our hearts are not stable, it is impossible for us to achieve our goal. On the other hand, if we can take the Fa as teacher and validate the Fa with an unshakable heart, all evil will be shocked and the power of the Fa will manifest itself. Then the effect will be much better.

We should not allow our will to ebb, cultivating diligently. Master's new article, "The Closer to the End, the More Diligent You Should Be," sets the tone for us, and gives us further encouragement during this final stage of Fa-rectification. The aritcle is also a layer of Fa principles in the cultivation practice. I should do better the three things required by Master and save more sentient beings.

This is limited to my own level of understanding. Please kindly point it out if there is any mistake.