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Thoughts After Reading Teacher's New Article "A Will That Ebbs Not (in Song Dynasty Poetic Form)"

October 07, 2005 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Heilongjiang Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I read Teacher's new article "A Will That Ebbs Not (in Song dynasty poetic form)" once and again. Teacher's merciful caring and warm encouragement to his disciples once again impressed me.

The Fa-rectification is progressing at an incredible speed. Less and less evil remains. The field formed by Dafa expands daily. The overall Fa-rectification environment is gradually easing up.

"Of course, although the remaining range in the surface human dimension is smaller now, as you know, the final factors are of higher levels, and the volumes of the partitioned factors are larger now. That is why the deficiency of the evil after the reduction of the low-level spirits and foul demons is being made up for now by the partitioned factors. Even though the progression is accelerating, there are still impediments." ("Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. International Fa Conference")

The remaining evil appeared to be more rampant as they've seen that all have been lost and their destruction is impending. They are not able to do much to the practitioners as a whole. However, they desperately commit evil acts in certain localized areas. Whenever they find any gap among Dafa practitioners, they ruthlessly do evil things. For those practitioners with strong human attachments, they used various tactics to interfere and tempt them. They either entice the practitioners to do bad things, wear down their will to cultivate, or divert them from the right path step by step. A few practitioners didn't study the Fa solidly and lacked righteous thoughts, so they didn't recognize the interference. They lost direction, became depressed, or even gave up cultivation. At this critical moment, Teacher published the new article "A Will That Ebbs Not (in Song dynasty poetic form)." For those practitioners who hesitated to move forward, this is indeed a timely rain to cleanse the dust from their minds, and a clarion call to urge us to be more diligent.

"Massive is the challenge, but your will is firm." ("A Will That Ebbs Not (in Song dynasty poetic form)")

As Dafa practitioners, we should always be able to keep our wills firm, whether it is the evil's rampant arrests or any interference arranged by the factors of the old forces. We should not just passively endure the tribulations. Instead, we should actively eliminate the evil.

"Unbridled are the wicked, yet you keep your bearings Purging evil as if but whisking dust away."

No matter how frenzied the evil appears to be, they are actually very weak. In front of true great enlightened beings, a little finger is more than enough to crush them. We are Dafa disciples in the Fa-rectification period. We are the future great enlightened beings walking the divine path. As long as we keep righteous thoughts, no interference can distract us. Purging the evil would be as easy as whisking dust away. As long as we walk our paths straight, "May your radiance grace the human world" is a sure thing. So we must pay attention to studying the Fa. At the same time, we must also pay attention to cultivating ourselves. We must look into ourselves whenever we encounter interference.

My fellow practitioners, history has left us with very limited time. Any temporary slacking off or depression will forever be a regret. Think about the enormous amount endured by Teacher in order to save us. Think about the innumerable sentient beings in the distant heavenly bodies that have put all their hopes on us. How can we have any reason not to be diligent?