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The Persecution Endured by Dafa Practitioner Mr. Mi Hong

October 31, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Mi lives in Guyuan County, Hebei Province. In July 1999, when the evil started to brutally persecute Falun Gong practitioners, Mr. Mi Hong had only been practicing Falun Gong for a month. Since then, he has been continuously persecuted. The local government, the City Police Station and the County Police Station have constantly harassed and threatened Mr. Mi and his family. They confiscated Mr. Mi's ID and residence registration documents. They forced him to get his photo and fingerprints taken. They also forced him to write a guarantee statement that he will never practice again. Near politically sensitive dates, the town and county police stations send policemen to closely monitor Mr. Mi's home 24 hours a day. He is not allowed to go out or communicate with others. He is placed under escort even when he uses the toilet. He has no personal freedom.

On the night of September 28, 2002, Ma Limin (Deputy Head of the Jiuliancheng Township Police Station, Guyuan County, Hubei Province), policeman Qiao Shouyu, Li Chengri (Head of Jiuliancheng Township), Liu Haijun, Yu Shulin and Wang Yanfei, broke the gate at Mr. Mi's house. They entered his house and confiscated his property and Dafa truth clarification materials. They arrested Mr. Mi. Qiao Shouyu, viciously beat him and pulled his hair. He shocked Mr. Mi with an electric baton and handcuffed him. They eventually dragged Mr. Mi into the police car.

At the police station, the policemen dragged Mr. Mi into a room and threw him on the ground. Five or six policemen beat and cursed at him. One of them poured hot water from a vase over Mr. Mi's head. Deputy Head of the police station Ma Limin viciously slapped his face. The head of the Police Station Guo Zhenye shouted viciously, "Beat him! Beat him! Beat him to death and throw him into the ditch on the street. We have orders from Jiang Zemin. If we beat him to death, we can just report the death as suicide." The policemen dragged Mr. Mi by the hair and threw him against the wall. They placed an electric baton in his mouth and shocked him for more than ten minutes. Then they forced him to stand facing the wall, with his arms lifted up and his nose touching the wall. If his nose no longer touched the wall, they beat him. The policemen spit in his face. They beat him continuously for more than six hours, until as late as 2 a.m. When the policemen got tired, they forced Mr. Mi to stand facing the wall. When they recovered from fatigue, they continued their interrogation. They handcuffed Mr. Mi behind his back so that he could neither stand nor sit. He suffered severe pain in his arms after being handcuffed and hung up. Qiao Shouyu used a metal bar to beat him.

When Mr. Mi was detained at the detention center, they injured his eyes and he could not see things clearly. His hands and arms were numb and he could not feel anything. He went on hunger strike to protest, but five or six policemen force-fed him with high-density saline water. Using such severe and continuous pressure, they forced Mr. Mi to write a note promising to stop practicing. During the seventy-one days of detention, the police extorted 720 yuan from Mr. Mi Hong. Even to this day, Mr. Mi's eyesight has not recovered.

October 20, 2005