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Human Beings or Immortals?

October 30, 2005 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Henan Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) After going through six years of brutal persecution, some practitioners consider themselves as divine beings already, but why are they still under persecution? Why can't they eliminate the evil? Some other practitioners consider themselves human beings and therefore lack the power to eliminate the evil. Indeed, what are we--humans or divine beings?

Teacher said in Hong Yin,

"Distinction Between Human and Enlightened Beings

What is human? Sentiments and desires fill the body.
What is immortal? Human mentalities do not exist.
What is Buddha? Benevolence and virtue in abundance.
What is Dao? A pure and tranquil true being."

What does it mean to be a divine being? They are benevolent and compassionate. Regardless of who or what situation a divine being faces, he or she always has benevolence and compassion -- only out of compassion does a divine being save sentient beings. In order to save all beings, a divine being clarifies the truth, steps forward to validate the Fa, and resists the persecution.

A colleague of mine used to have some conflicts with me. Our manager asked the colleague to monitor me, but I said to her, "I have only love in my heart, with no hatred." I behaved in accordance with those words, and my sincerity moved her. After she realized the truth, the colleague said these heartfelt words to me, "I have never considered anyone great, including all of our leaders. But I think you are truly great -- you treat everyone fairly and justly. From head to toe you radiate kindness, a sort of light. Your heart is translucent. I think you will achieve something great." She also asked me to clarify the truth to one of her classmates. As a result, another person got to know the truth. What is a miracle? Isn't this a miraculous embodiment of the Buddha Fa in the human world? Dafa thus resolved a poor predestined connection.

Some practitioners think we need to eliminate barriers among us, but what are those barriers? Aren't they our human attachments, notions and karma? In Zhuan Falun (Lecture Nine), it says,

"It is because one with good inborn quality has a lot of the white substance that is assimilated to our universe and to the characteristic Zhen-Shan-Ren without any barrier. The characteristic of the universe can manifest directly in your body and be in immediate contact with your body."

In my understanding, when practitioners have only compassion and no human attachments, there are no barriers separating us. This is why Teacher asked us to not even acknowledge the very existence of the old forces. As long as we assimilate to "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance", then all evil will be dissolved, including the old forces. When every Dafa disciple has nothing but compassion, the evil will be no more and finished.

When I see practitioners quarrel and fight with their family members, bear hatred and feelings of grievance when persecuted, look down upon or idolize other practitioners, or even deceive each other by telling lies, I feel very sad. Is this how divine beings act? Teacher taught the Fa to us so that we can cultivate solidly and act according to it. Some practitioners still have fear and refuse to step forward using various excuses, and this is even farther away from having righteous thoughts. If a practitioner just thinks about it at home without actually doing the truth clarification, how could all beings understand the truth? How could a practitioner dissolve the evil and reach consummation while carrying fear and selfishness? Teacher said, "If a Dafa disciple cannot validate the Fa, then he is not a Dafa disciple." ("On "The Dignity of Dafa"") Teacher wants us to consummate everything of our own in the process of validating Dafa and establish our mighty virtue through resisting the persecution.

Fellow practitioners who still have various human attachments, please ask yourselves seriously: Am I truly selfless? Am I truly benevolent? Is my mind pure and translucent? Can I look at my heart and truly be worthy of judgment before heaven and earth? If the answers are in the negative, then you are not a divine being. If you can say yes to the above questions, you are a great divine being, with the power to dissolve all evil and all unrighteous things. No obstacle can hinder you. Instead, obstacles are opportunities for you to establish your mighty virtue through your efforts against persecution.

The above are only my personal understandings. Please correct any mistakes that I have made.