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Summary of Other Articles and News - October 15, 2005

October 28, 2005 |  


Facts of the Persecution

Ms. Wang Ruoe from Shijiazhuang City on a Hunger Strike

Wang Ruoe is a 68-year-old Dafa practitioner from Shijiazhuang City Chemical Factory in Hebei Province. She was illegally arrested early in the morning on September 6, 2005. She has been detained in Hebei Provincial Brainwashing Center for more than one month. She went on a hunger strike starting October 4. The authorities began to force-feed her on October 9, and they also denied her family's visitation since the beginning. At present, the elderly woman's physical and mental condition is deteriorating, causing great concern and worry to her loved ones.


Zhao Zhaoquan and Gu Yuanjie Persecuted in Guizhou Province

On August 16, 2005, 66-year-old Zhao Zhaoquan and 60-year-old Gu Yuanjie, both from Sichuan Province, were arrested. Because they refused to be body-searched, the police beat them and poured scalding hot water on their faces. Moreover, the police took away all items they had with them, including a slip of paper that contained the words, "The Chinese Communist Party is Doomed." Then the police beat them savagely. The bruises are still visible today. Later, the two women were sent to Guizhou Province Women's Labor Camp. But since both of them were found to have high blood pressure and heart disease during the medical examination required for admission, they were both released.


Two Dafa Practitioners from Rushan, Shandong Province Arrested

On September 20, 2005, Dafa practitioner Cui Nianhe was arrested for distributing truth-clarification materials. The police also ransacked Cui's home and extorted 5,000 yuan from Cui's family before sending Cui to a brainwashing center. On September 28, 2005, practitioner Jiang Xinmeng was arrested at home and is currently being detained in Rushan Detention Center.


Persecution of Dafa Practitioner Geng Huaipu

Geng Huaipu is a practitioner from Jiawang District, Xuzhou City, Zhejiang Province. He was illegally sentenced to three years in a labor camp. On September 13, 2005, he walked out of the labor camp with righteous thoughts. The Jiawang District 610 Office had planned to arrest him again after his release. However, they were not able to locate Geng. As a result, they sent people to his workplace and residence to look for him. Recently, they colluded with local police and sent people to Beijing and other places to hunt for him.


Persecution of Zouyan

Ms. Zou Yan, 30, lives in Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province. She worked for a water plant. For refusing to renounce her belief in Dafa, she was detained twice and illegally sentenced to one year of forced labor. She has suffered tremendously from torture and abuse during her detention.
