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A Summary of the Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Lingbei Town, Lingyuan City

October 28, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Since July 20, 1999, Falun Dafa practitioners from Lingbei Town, Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province have suffered severe persecution. The police have done whatever they please during this time, illegally arresting Falun Dafa practitioners and trying to push responsibilities off on one another in order to gain political capital and huge amounts of money. Most notable among them is Li Xinhai, a police officer from the Lingbei Town Police Station. The director of Lingbei Police Station has changed 3 times, and under each director, Li Xinhai has taken a leading role in persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners. Up until now, he still has not changed, and continues arresting Falun Dafa practitioners.

The following is a brief summary of the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in Lingbei Town.

In the West Village of Lingbei Temple, five practitioners were illegally sentenced to prison. The total of their terms was 10 years. A total of 23 persons were illegally detained 30 times, and the total detention time was 925 days. A total of 21 persons were fined 48 times, and the total amount was 21,390 yuan.

In the East Village of Lingbei Temple, twelve practitioners were illegally sentenced to prison or sent to forced labor camps. The total of their terms was 25.5 years. A total of 34 persons have been detained 73 times, and the total detention time was 711 days. A total of 34 persons were fined 54 times, and the total amount was 88,610 yuan.

Yedaigou Village of Lingbei Town: One practitioner was sentenced to 3 years of forced labor. A total of 8 persons were detained 12 times; the total detention time was 136 days. A total of 9 persons were fined 18 times, and the total amount was 15,020 yuan.

Other villages: Three practitioners were illegally detained 3 times; the total detention time was 66 days. A total of 7 practitioners were fined 11 times, and the total amount was 18,700 yuan.

Altogether, in the whole township, 18 practitioners were sentenced to a total of 38.5 years of prison or labor camp, 68 practitioners were illegally detained 128 times, (the total detention time was 1,838 days) and 71 practitioners were illegally fined 131 times (the total amount was 143,720 yuan).

In such a small town, the persecution is as severe as this.

October 11, 2005