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Garbage Recycler Receives a Flyer, Helps Clarify the Truth

October 26, 2005 |  


Garbage Recycler Spreads the Truth

A Falun Dafa practitioner clarified the truth to a garbage recycler and gave him a flyer. A month later, this recycler returned to the practitioner's home and expressed his gratitude because his hernia was almost cured.

The garbage recycler, an older man, told a moving story. After he learned the truth about Falun Dafa, he wanted more people to know the truth. He spent 15 yuan to copy 30 flyers to give out to people. The copy shop owner reported him to the police. After several days, the police found him and asked where he had gotten the flyer. He said that he had picked it up somewhere. The police threatened him, but he replied, "I am not afraid."

Members of a Certain County's 610 Office All Know Falun Dafa Is Good

One county 610 Office director asked a Falun Dafa practitioner, "You pass out so many truth clarifying materials everyday, how come you never send some to me?"

Another 610 Office official said, "We who work for the county 610 Office all know that Falun Gong is a good practice and that Falun Gong practitioners are all good people. When higher authorities pressure us, we pretend to do something, but normally no one would commit those wrongdoings that damage our conscience."

Another female 610 official from the same county said, "When someone else is present, we don't talk about clarifying the truth. But when you and I are alone, you can clarify the truth individually as much as you want."

Police Officer Who Reported Righteous Colleague Met Retribution

In December 2004, a practitioner went back to her hometown. A police director told her, "Do you remember that police officer that cursed your Master and reported me to his superiors? He has met with retribution."

A long time before the practitioner clarified the truth to this police director many times. Because he knew the facts, he once withdrew a poster display slandering Falun Dafa. Another police officer reported him to their superiors. This officer became very sick at the end of last year. He could not talk and was in a vegetative state. His family spent two hundred thousand "yuan" at a hospital in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, but to no avail. He died in July 2005.