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"I Never Thought I Could Meet Such Nice People"

October 25, 2005 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners in Chaoyang


Both my husband and I are Dafa practitioners. In May this year, we were farming in the hills. On the way back, we had an accident. My husband was maneuvering a donkey-drawn carriage from a side street to the main road, when a car came right towards the carriage at high speed. My sister-in-law and I were sitting in the carriage. The car driver didn't see us until it was too late. Our carriage was hit and turned over, my sister-in-law and I were thrown onto the road, and my husband was pressed under the carriage with all the farming tools and fertilizer on top of him.

My sister-in-law and I stood up. The driver and other by-standers moved the carriage and pulled my husband out. He breathed in for a while, and he felt pain in his legs. However, he still said that he is a Dafa practitioner, and then he managed to get up himself. The by-standers were so surprised. They all said that learning Falun Gong is really good, and if this had happened to other people they would have died instantly.

Then, we found our carriage was damaged and the donkey was lying under the car, with its head pressed against the wheel. Everyone thought that the donkey must be dead. After a while, when the people pulled it out from under the car, the donkey stood up too! The people said the donkey was saved because of our belief in Dafa. "Let's learn Falun Gong tomorrow," they exclaimed.

Three of us were in no danger; however, there was blood everywhere on our bodies, and our heads were lacerated in several places. The doctor said we should be injected with anesthetic before receiving sutures. I told the doctor, "We don't need it. Since I practice Falun Gong, I haven't needed any medicine for eight years. I would be dead today if I didn't learn Falun Gong." The doctor said, "Can you bear the pain without anesthetic?" I said "yes." Getting stitched up, I really didn't feel pain. The doctor said, "You are something." I told him, "It is my Master who helped me."

An X-ray revealed that my tailbone was broken, and my head had a big bubble of water. My husband's head was sewn in two places and his leg muscle was hurt. The doctor suggested we be hospitalized, but we told him that we would be all right after we practiced our Falun Gong exercises. The doctor said that we had to sign, so that the hospital would not bear any further responsibility. We signed and told the doctor and the driver of the car that ran into us the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong. The driver understood our explanations, and ended up quitting the CCP as a result.

Back at home, our relatives came to visit us. They asked us to go to the hospital and get money from the driver, but we told them that we would be cured after practicing Falun Gong and we didn't need to ask for money. The relatives couldn't understand, and considered us foolish. When other practitioners heard that we had an accident and that we were unable to work, 16 of them came to help us in our field that afternoon.

People often say that Falun Gong practitioners are like a family. The driver and his family said that Dafa practitioners are good people. The driver's mother said that she never thought she could meet such nice people. She said that other people must find out that Falun Dafa is good, and that Dafa practitioners are good.