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Evildoers Receive Due Retribution in Qingyang City, Gansu Province

October 25, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Editors' Note: These incidents should not have occurred, but the Jiang regime's shameless defamations cause those who do not have the ability of discerning the truth to hate Dafa. Their lies have caused those who do not have righteous minds to consciously persecute Falun Dafa for their own personal gain and to protect their own benefits. They incite those people with greed for power and money to persecute Dafa disciples in order to be given a pay raise or promoted. However, heavenly principles are just. The truth that good is rewarded with good and evil behavior is met with bad consequences is an absolute and cannot be bypassed. Hopefully people will abstain from evil deeds that aim at damaging Dafa (the teachings of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance) and act with conscience.

The Party Committee of Gansu Province has made Qingyang City an important place for persecuting Falun Gong. In Qingyang City more than a hundred practitioners have been sent to labor camps or sentenced to prisons. Many practitioners have been tortured to death.

Here are some examples of people receiving retribution for their evil deeds.

Liu Wuqing, the original deputy secretary of the Party Committee, the Secretary of the Policy and Law Committee, and the head of the 610 Office in Qingyang personally oversaw the arrest of practitioners many times. He created the "local rules" for the practitioners who appeal, automatically detaining them for one month. He became sick with many strange illnesses in 2001 and is still bedridden.

Wei Lidao, former General Director of the Ning County Police Department, arrested and sent more than 10 practitioners to the forced labor camp. He was laid off for illegally selling cultural relics in 2001.

Liu Youming, former deputy director of the Ning County Police Department, was laid off for illegally selling cultural relics in 2001. His son was sentenced to prison for breaking into the underground palace of Xiangle Song Tower and attempting to steal cultural relics.

Wang Yongzhen used to be the head of the Ning County 610 Office. In 2001, he became the director of the Ning County Police Department. During his tenure, Falun Dafa practitioner Ren Yuling was tortured to death. Wang got lung cancer in September 200l and had a quarter of his lung removed. In August of 2004, he was assigned to be the director of the Heshui County Police Department and continued to persecute practitioners. In April of 2005, he arrested many practitioners. His lung cancer has become more serious.

Liu Degui, former Ning County Police Department Security Section Chief, arrested many practitioners and searched their homes. He came down with liver cancer in 2004.

Guo Jiamou, former director of the Ning County Education Department, has persecuted practitioners in the Ning County Education System. He was sentenced to prison for five years in 2003 for corruption. He is currently detained in Pingliang Prison.

Wang Zhibing was the former director of the Xifeng District Education System. He has persecuted Falun Dafa in the district education system, and many practitioners were sent to forced labor camps or sentenced to prison because of him. Wang was sentenced to prison in 2003 for corruption.