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My Experience Breaking out of a Detention Center in Fifteen Days

October 25, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Since I had not studied the Fa and sent forth righteous thoughts for a long time, and I had not communicated frankly with fellow practitioners and had not denied the arrangement of the old forces completely, I was exploited by the evil. The police "illegally arrested" me and threw me into a detention center. I felt very fatigued at that time. Also, because several other practitioners were arrested and beaten, I felt very troubled and pained. I did not know whether it was due to my unrighteous field that they were entangled. I felt great regret.

After thinking through the situation thoroughly, I reminded myself that I was a Dafa disciple no matter where I am, and I cannot be defeated by the evil. I remembered what Teacher had taught us in "Teaching the Fa at the 2004 U.S. Western Fa conference",

"If you don't cultivate yourself based on the Fa, you can't cultivate higher by just enduring persecution, much less reach the standards for a Dafa disciple."

I told myself that being in detention is not my cultivation environment. The evil brought me here and this is to destroy sentient beings. I have the historic mission of saving sentient beings, and I want to accomplish my mission. I cannot let the sentient beings who have placed limitless hope on me be eliminated. If I cannot realize my wish in coming to this world, my life would not have any meaning. I also remembered Teacher's words,

"Indestructible righteous faith in the cosmos's Truth forms benevolent Dafa disciples' rock-solid, Diamond-Like Bodies, it frightens all evil, and the light of Truth it emanates makes the unrighteous elements in all beings' thoughts disintegrate. However strong the righteous thoughts are, that's how great the power is. Dafa disciples are truly stepping forward out of ordinary humanness." ("Also in a Few Words")

I recited these words repeatedly, and gradually my heart became calm.

Under normal circumstances, I was busy with daily life, work and things of clarifying the truth, so I did not have a large amount of time to send righteous thoughts. In the detention center, this time, I sent out a thought: Completely eliminate the old forces in the detention center, release all Falun Gong practitioners, replace the negative thinking that veils Dafa disciples and me with supernormal abilities; evil people are forbidden from persecuting us.

That night I hardly slept. I kept sending righteous thoughts, and kept telling myself, when the evil elements in other dimensions that persecute practitioners are eliminated, the practitioners in detention will be released. Now that I was here, I would send powerful righteous thoughts and eliminate the evil in other dimensions. I would not think of when I would obtain freedom, but since I came here, I would do all things well in this environment. However, I also held the thought that I definitely would get out. I would follow our Teacher. To stay here is not the path that Teacher arranged for me. To be honest, I felt insulted to be detained. When the policemen interrogated me, I did not say anything, including when they asked my name and education level.

It was Saturday, the second day of my detention. I remembered the poem in Hong Yin II, "Surround and Exterminate:"

Heaven and earth turn upside down, human demons are vicious
Deceiving the world with massive lies; sinister winds are violent
Dafa disciples speak the truth
The Fa-power of righteous thought destroys demon caves

(Provisional translation subject to improvement)

I felt very confident and invincible, knowing what I should do. This prison is not a place that can confine me anymore. Here, each practitioner was detained separately. This was the third time that I had been held here. I did not adhere to any of their regulations or orders, and was not intimidated by the evil. I did not eat, did not put on the prison uniform, did not recite the prison rules, did not do labor and did not do night shift duty (every night for two hours with two people standing without sleep). I practiced the Falun Gong exercises at night whenever I wanted. When the warden passed by, I would shout, "Falun Dafa is great!" I looked for opportunities to clarify the truth to them and I would sing songs written by Dafa disciples as often as I could. When it was quiet, I would send righteous thoughts or clarify the truth to the inmates.

The inmates here had already had some contact with Dafa disciples, so they knew the truth of Dafa to some degree. When they developed any misunderstandings about the way I was doing things, I would try my best to explain it to them. Since I refused to cooperate with the evil, the head guard forbade others and me from watching TV, and ordered me to sit on the bed board and after a while, she ordered me to stand on the ground. I refused and sat on the ground. They dragged me and put the uniform on me. I took it off. They bound the clothes on me. Some criminals asked the head guard whether they could treat me with violence. I thought, I will not let them touch me. The head guard said, "The captain said that nobody can touch her." Several people were very angry, but they did not dare to come close to me. They could do nothing but verbally abuse me loudly. I shouted, "Falun Dafa is good" and started to sing. Finally we reached an agreement: I would drink some soup. The captain came to inspect several times and left. After several days, they did not bother me anymore. The criminal inmates were not punished either. However, those who had abused Teacher and slandered Dafa received retribution. Some developed blisters and bleeding in their mouths, some had sore throats and fever, some were punished by the captain and some had nobody to come to pick them up after their terms were completed. I told them that this was retribution for their behavior, and that they should not continue doing wrong deeds against Dafa. While some inmates did not believe me, they did not abuse Dafa and me or make trouble anymore, and some asked me for more information about Falun Dafa.

Several practitioners in other cells also shouted, "Falun Dafa is good." At these times, I would send righteous thoughts to help my fellow practitioners or I would also shout, "Falun Dafa is good." Because I was not eating, my body was very weak could not support me anymore. My heart felt pressed and congested, and my breathing became strained and shallow. It even felt that it was hard to raise my hand when sending righteous thoughts. My mind was not clear and I frequently wanted to lie down. I wondered whether I should drink or eat something, so that I could have strength to practice the exercises and send righteous thoughts. When I drank the water, my throat felt blocked by something. I then put the water down and gave up the idea of drinking it. A few days later, this feeling disappeared.

I could not sleep in the daytime. I sent righteous thoughts at night. In the beginning, I only slept two hours. Later I slept four hours. When I felt it was hard, I would say to myself, "You are a Dafa disciple. Facing the evil in the universe, you should eliminate them." Again and again, I broke through the mental and physical limits, using each cell of my body to put forth the most of my ability. As long as the evil was not eliminated, I could not fail. I thought: I want to send righteous thoughts. As long as I am still conscious, I will not stop. For myself, for Dafa disciples here, and also for eliminating the evil in the universe that persecutes Dafa disciples, I should continue to send forth righteous thoughts.

Several officials from the Public Security Ministry came for an inspection. The warden took me to an empty room to hide me until the officials left. The warden said that I was in bad physical shape. I said that Dafa disciples were shining like gold wherever they are, and I clarified the truth to her. She appeared to be very nervous and she shied away from me all the time.

On the tenth day of my detention, the doctor wanted to force-feed me. I resisted and told her that I was also a doctor and that we had graduated from the same school; we were therefore schoolfellows. I recited the poem of Cao Zhi, "We are born from the same root, why do you denigrate me so urgently?" I saw her become upset, her conscience was moved, but she still tried to force-fed me. I sent righteous thoughts to push back all the pain I experienced onto the person who applied the violence and to have her fail in inserting the feeding tube in me. She really did fail in several attempts, as the tube came out of my throat. Finally, she pushed the tube into my trachea and I instantly felt difficulty breathing. I thought that I might die. Then I thought that I could not die. I realized that the evil was taking advantage of my loopholes and that the evil was not qualified to impose the thought of death on me. I had unaccomplished wishes and lots of things yet to be finished. I could not die. The doctor ordered an inmate to inject corn gruel into the tube and it all ejected out of my nose. The doctor became nervous and pulled the tube out and said that no more feeding should be done. My throat was bleeding.

When I returned to the cell, I told the inmates what had happened. They felt strong sympathy and some even cried. I told the prison director about this incident. The director said, "You did not die. If you die, I will take responsibility." When I tried to talk to her again, she would walk away from me. There were previous cases of practitioners dying of forced-feeding in detention.

Several other practitioners were also on a hunger strike. Every time I saw the guards dragging practitioners to be force-fed, I shouted, "Do not force-feed practitioners! I want to let all people know that you are persecuting Dafa practitioners, and you will be on the list of villains." Some prisoners said to me, "If you talk like this, the authorities will never release you." I knew that only Master's words count. The evil can act violently only briefly, as they are scared. Later, after I talked to my family members, I found that this was the case. The authorities were afraid that they would have to take responsibility if I had any incident.

Two days later, the doctor tried to give me an injection. I thought, it will not work. I pulled the needle out. The doctor slapped my face, cursing the prisoners who monitored me as being useless. She injected me again at night, and she force-fed me again. She was successful when my mind was not clear. The reason is because the doctor said she would not force-feed me anymore, and I trusted her. I also slackened in sending righteous thoughts due to my weak body. The doctor bound my limbs up with a short chain, fixing the feeding tube on my head with adhesive tape.

I felt great pain, like my heart and body were struggling every second. A practitioner recited a poem of Master, "Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions":

"A Great Enlightened Being does not fear hardship

Having forged an adamantine will

And with no attachment to living or dying

He walks his path of Fa-rectification openly and nobly"

At that time, a heavy rain suddenly poured down. I felt that Heaven was crying. I would not acknowledge any of this persecution. Against impossible odds, I pulled the feeding tube out. They were all surprised and called the warden. Later, the warden unlocked the chain.

I compromised and said that I would eat a little bit. They transferred me to a small room with a few people, and assigned someone to watch me. The authorities considered my case to be the highest priority. They monitored me around the clock using the biggest screen. It had already been twelve days since I was detained. I said to Master, "Master, I want to get out to save sentient beings, I want to leave here." I could not lie down, since I felt that my mind was not clear when lying down, my physical body would not support me anymore, and I would lose righteous thoughts. I knew I surely could leave here, because Master had enlightened me with the knowledge that I would get out.

On the fifteenth day, when I was sending righteous thoughts, someone said to me, "You have been released. Your family is coming to pick you up."

After 15 days of rest at home, I returned to the mighty current of Fa-rectification.