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The Miracle of the Lotus Flower

October 02, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) We received a letter from a Falun Dafa practitioner saying, "In a city in Hunan Province, I noticed that the lotus flower on the back cover of the newly printed Zhuan Falun books is open. It is different from what was printed in the past. I was wondering about the reason."

The editor replied, "Regarding the lotus flower on the back cover, if what you saw is the same design as the third edition of Zhuan Falun printed by China Broadcasting & Television Press in 1996, there are no problems with that. In fact, the lotus flower has undergone a miraculous change from a 'bud' to a 'blossom'."

The lotus flower on the back cover of the earliest edition of Zhuan Falun (at the end of 1995) was a "bud." Then, at about the end of 1998 or early 1999, many practitioners noticed that the lotus flower on the back cover began to "bloom," and then grow into a "blossom." Its color changed too. It is now becoming more and more fully blossomed.

In an article published on November 28, 2000, entitled "From Tian'anmen Square to the Detention Center," there was a description of this as noted below:

"I heard in the detention center that the lotus flower bud on the back cover of the precious book Zhuan Falun is open. So I removed the book cover that I had put on the book so carefully earlier. To my surprise and delight, I saw the bright pink flower is fully open. Today, when I looked at the flower again, its color has become lighter, and the golden lotus panel is emerging. It won't be long before each part of the flower takes its own distinctive position. However, it is darker before dawn and it won't last long. After the dawn,

'The heavens clear, the cosmic body transparent, the universe rectified,

With the ultimate catastrophe now past, lucent is the whole Cosmos.' (from Master's poem 'After the Catastrophe' in Hong Yin)."

To whom then is this miracle revealed, and what message is it spreading? As Falun Dafa practitioners, we know clearly that it is Master's boundless compassion. Fellow practitioners, let's cultivate diligently. As Master has told us,

"This instant is precious beyond measure. Completing the last leg of this journey well is what's most magnificent." (Teaching the Fa in the City of Chicago, 2005)

September 6, 2005