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A Policeman Wishes To Get Things Off His Chest

October 17, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a police officer and I have participated in the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners. One day, a practitioner told me about her life, and how through practicing Falun Dafa she recovered from an illness that had paralyzed her for over 10 years, and regained her good health. I was shaken to hear that Falun Gong had such amazing miraculous power! With awe, I asked for a copy of the Falun Dafa book, Zhuan Falun.

After reading through the book, I had the impulse to shout out loud to my fellow policemen that Falun Dafa practitioners are kind-hearted people, that it is wrong to persecute them, and to please stop the persecution.

From then on, the stomach problem that had been bothering me for years gradually disappeared. I used to fight with my wife frequently but now we don't fight anymore. My work also goes smoothly. These experiences led me to believe in the mighty power of Falun Dafa.

I would like to get this off my chest and tell the world's people the truth; however, the persecution is going on strong. I must be prudent in everything I do and listen to practitioners' sincere advice that I should help and support practitioners as much as I can from within my position of power. We should be good, accumulate virtue and choose a brighter future for ourselves and the generations to come so as to not squander this life.

Please remember, "Falun Dafa is good!"