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Hong Kong: Falun Gong Practitioners Proclaim Announcement in Front of the China Liaison Office to Urge Chinese Communist Party Officials to Forsake Evildoing (Photos)

October 17, 2005 |   By a practitioner from Hong Kong

(Clearwisdom.net) On the morning of Friday, October 14, 2005, a group of Falun Gong practitioners gathered on the street opposite the China Liaison Office in Hong Kong. They displayed posters to clarify the truth about Falun Gong and unfurled banners to call for an end to the persecution. In particular, they included the Falun Dafa Association announcement published on October 9 on their banners to sternly advise those government officials and public figures who have assisted the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to persecute Falun Gong practitioners to take this opportunity to forsake their evildoing. Practitioners urged them to immediately stop the persecution, so that they would not lose their bright future under Heaven's law that good and evil will receive due reward or retribution. The event drew attention from passers-by, and practitioners handed out flyers to them.

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Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioners read out the Falun Dafa Association announcement in front of the China Liaison Office
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Falun Gong practitioners send forth righteous thoughts on the street opposite the China Liaison Office.

At about noon, several Falun Gong practitioners walked from the place where they held the sit-in appeal to the front gate of the China Liaison Office, and solemnly unfurled the banner imprinted with the Falun Dafa Association announcement. The announcement stated, "Ever since the publication of The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, Chinese people have more clearly recognized the nature of the CCP and the evil nature of the persecution. More than 4.8 million have withdrawn from the CCP and its related organizations. Heaven's destruction of the CCP is a historical inevitability. Gods must punish those criminals who have sinned against Falun Dafa. Those who refuse to do the right thing and instead continue to follow Jiang's scoundrel regime's persecution policies will be severely punished as perpetrators of unforgivable crimes."

The announcement warned that overseas Falun Gong practitioners will file civil or criminal lawsuits against all government or Chinese Communist Party officials who participate in or continue to implement the persecution of Falun Gong once they leave China. In the meantime, the announcement also advised that those who have followed the CCP and committed wrongdoings still have the opportunity to abandon their evil path and choose to do good.

Together with fellow practitioners from all over the world, Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioners are trying their best to convey the message of the Falun Dafa Association announcement to Chinese government officials at all levels and people from all walks of life as quickly as possible.