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Peng Geng, a Policeman from the Liaoning Provincial Public Security Office, Was Persecuted to Death Because He Firmly Practiced Falun Dafa

October 15, 2005 |  


Mr. Peng Geng, thirty-one years old and a former policeman of the Liaoning Provincial Public Security Office, was suspended from his duties because he firmly practiced Falun Dafa, and he was illegally detained and tortured in Masanjia Forced Labor Camp and other labor camps or prisons. When he became terminally ill, the court and prison both agreed on release on medical grounds, but the 610 office of Shenyang City refused to release him. On July 14, 2005 Peng was persecuted to death. In the final moments of his life, Peng Geng still told his family members: "Falun Dafa is good."

Peng was from Xinglongtai District of Panjin City. After July 20, 1999 he repeatedly went to Beijing to validate Dafa and clarify the truth, and because of this he was suspended from his duties by the provincial Public Security Office. Under the influence of the slanderous propaganda against Dafa by the CCP, Peng's parents did not understand Falun Gong cultivation and they watched him day and night. However, this did not shake his will to practice Dafa. When the Public Security Office ordered him to write a self-criticism, he wrote down "Falun Dafa is good" instead.

Peng was sent to the labor re-education camp by the Public Security Office. After he heard about the staged self-immolation in Tiananmen Square, he walked out of the camp with righteous thoughts. He went back to Panjin and took part in preparing truth-clarifying materials. Because he was good at operating a computer, the materials he made were well done and produced in large quantities. Later, he was turned in to the police and again sent to the labor re-education camp by the provincial Public Security Office. He went on hunger strike and broke out of the camp again. After returning to Panjin, he continued on the truth-clarification material production, and later he went back to Shenyang to work at the truth-clarification material production site.

According to a witness, Dafa disciple Peng Geng was detained in the "strict monitoring team" of the forced labor camp at Wujiabaozi in Fushun City and he was forbidden to speak. In the male team of Masanjia Forced Labor Camp, Peng Geng was repeatedly tortured. He was beaten to the point where he was cut and bleeding, and salt would be smeared into his wounds. Some policemen forced practitioners to kneel on rocks under the burning sun while carrying heavy objects on their backs. After practitioners told the policemen sternly that torturing people was wrong, the policemen assaulted them even more viciously. Many practitioners were beaten unconscious, and some practitioners' wounds were untreated and festered, to the point of being infested with maggots. In order to cover up their crimes, the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp disbanded the sixth male team, and most of them were transferred to the Zhangshi Forced Labor Camp.

On August 12, 2002 Peng Geng and other fellow practitioners were illegally arrested. Before the arrest, one practitioner notified fellow practitioners that prepared materials so that they could transfer them safely. At the end of 2002, Peng Geng was sentenced to thirteen years of imprisonment and sent to Shenyang Prison. In jail he went on hunger strike to protest the persecution against Falun Gong, and he vomited blood in large amounts and his life was in danger. The guards shouted to him, "You'll not be released even if you die of hunger." Because of a recurrence of pulmonary tuberculosis, he was sent to the hospital of Shenyang Prison and later to Tieling Prison. He was detained in the Tieling Hospital.

While in prison, Peng Geng maintained his firm belief in Dafa. When he was at the brink of death, the court and jail both agreed to release him on medical grounds, but the 610 office of Shenyang City refused to do so. On July 14, 2005 Dafa disciple Peng Geng was persecuted to death.

(Please dial the country code before all cell phone numbers, and dial the country code + area code before all other phone numbers. Country code: 86, area code: 024.)

Related phone numbers:

Liaoning provincial Public Security Office 86863555
Liaoning provincial legal system office 86892989
Liaoning legal news center--director's office: 86896801
The Judicial Department of Liaoning Province: 86892556

CCP committee of Shenyang City
Address: 150 youth blvd; Phone: 22829010; postcode: 110014

CCP committee of Heping District in Shenyang City
Address: 89 North Heping blvd; Phone: 22828333; postcode: 110003

CCP committee of Shenhe District in Shenyang City
Address: 202 Zhenyang St.; Phone: 24842005; postcode: 110011

People's government of Shenyang City: 260 Shifu blvd; Phone: 22739136; Postcode: 110013
People's government of Heping District: 76 Shiyiwei; Phone: 22829236; Postcode: 110003
People's government of Shenhe District: 5 Shengjinglubiao; Phone: 24840732; Postcode: 110011
People's procuratorate at Shenyang City: 2 Baisan Rd.; Phone: 86522677; Postcode: 110031
Police department of Shenyang City: 106 Zhongshan Rd.; Phone: 23832677; Postcode: 110001
Judicial office of Shenyang City: 230-3 Youth Blvd.; Phone: 22826072; Postcode: 110014
610 office of Shenyang City (located at the political division of Shenyang police department; near the south market of Heping District Shenyang City), Phone: (024) 23106009
Police department of Shenyang City Phone: general office 23832677, appeal office 23832902, disciplinary inspection office 22825491
Accusations and Petition division: 22833119; Police station at Shenhe district: 24844450

October 10, 2005