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I am Delighted That My Relatives Learned the Truth

October 14, 2005 |   By a Fushun, Liaoning Falun Dafa practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) A few days ago, our family had a gathering. For over a decade, the family has not gathered together. There is no coincidence in life, so my first thought was to clarify the truth to them.

I prepared the materials. When we were talking, I told all my relatives that Falun Dafa is a righteous practice, and that it teaches people to be kind, upgrades their morality and is beneficial to any nation and society. Mr. Li Hongzhi has spread Falun Dafa to over 70 nations, and there are over a thousand proclamations. It's really good fortune to have become a Falun Dafa practitioner. After they listened to me, they all nodded in agreement that "Falun Dafa is wonderful."

As soon as I took out the materials, my relatives each wanted one. Some said that they wanted to take one for their family members that didn't come. Those who didn't get an extra one said they'll make some copies when they returned.

Finally, I told them to remember that, "Falun Dafa is wonderful." They said they would remember and recite it.

Then I told them about quitting the CCP. They expressed their intention to quit all organizations relating to the Communist Party. They said, "We don't need an alias or nickname. We'll use our real names."

One of my relatives was selected as the city and province model employee. He was later selected as the back up committee member and official of a certain local agency. He said that he'll quit all organizations relating to the CCP, and will sever any ties with the CCP.

Seeing my relative being awakened to the truth, I was touched and speechless. I said quietly in my mind to Master, "Master, all that we do today are but opportunities that you arranged for us. Our compassionate Master is using all kinds of situations for us to clarify the truth and bring salvation to sentient beings."

October 3, 2005