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Summary of Other Articles and News - October 5, 2005

October 13, 2005 |  


Facts of the Persecution

Rescue Effort on Behalf of Falun Dafa Practitioner Luo Jiabin, His Wife Jiang Yulian and Their Daughter

Practitioner Luo Jiabin and his wife Jiang Yulian from Shaodong, Hunan Province, were again illegally detained. Mrs. Jiang Yulian was held at the Baimalong Forced Labor Camp in Hunan Province, and their two-year-old daughter was left uncared for. The couple was illegally detained and sent to a forced labor camp once before. They felt compelled to take their daughter and leave home to avoid further persecution.


Supplemental Information on the Mid-September 2005 Arrests of Practitioners in Guangzhou City

Officials from the Guangzhou City 610 Office and police department broke into many practitioners' homes without warrants and illegally arrested practitioners in Guangzhou City on September 12 and 13. On the evening of September 12, Xiao Zhennan, an officer from the Nanshitou Police Department in the Haizhu District, along with Wen, from the Haizhu District 610 Office, led a group of people to ransack practitioners' homes.
