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Officials at the Changlinzi Labor Camp Intimidate the Relatives of Murdered Practitioner Na Zhenxian (Photos)

October 11, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) It's been more than ten days since Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Na Zhenxian was tortured to death. During that time, Mr. Na's relatives have gone from place to place seeking justice, and found none. Not only is justice difficult to find, but the perpetrators at the Changlinzi Labor Camp won't even admit that Mr. Na was persecuted to death there, despite the fact that there were scars and bruises covering his body. Furthermore, two labor camp officials, Instructor Wang Kai and Fifth Team Deputy Leader Qiang Shengguo, intimidated his relatives. They told them, "It's illegal for you to take photos of Mr. Na's body, and we've already reported you to the Shuangcheng police. They will investigate this and arrest you."

A photo of Mr. Na

Na Zhenxian's physical and mental health improved dramatically after he began practicing Falun Gong. He continued in his cultivation practice after the government began its persecution. The authorities in Shuangcheng City arrested and jailed him, and extorted money from him many times. On February 27, 2004, he was arrested again and sent to the Shuangcheng City Second Jail at 4 a.m. the next morning. He was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor and persecuted and tortured in various ways at the Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp in Harbin City. On September 16, 2005, the forced labor camp informed his family that he was critically ill, but when they got to the hospital, Na was already dead.

After they arrived where the remains were kept, the relatives took some photos of the scars and bruises on Mr. Na's body. Although the police were trying to stop them from taking the photos, relatives pulled back the clothes on his body and quickly took the photos. The photos were published on the Clearwisdom website on September 24, 2005. (See pictures below)

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The date on the medical death certificate and burial permit was September 16, 2005. In the space for a family member's signature it was signed "Li Jianfeng." The members of Mr. Na's family said that they don't know anyone named Li Jianfeng. The same person filled out all information on the certificate and the permit.

Two practitioners in Shuangcheng City have died since the nationwide persecution of Falun Gong practitioners began in July 1999. Some relatives of these practitioners still keep silent due to pressure and fear of further persecution. We would like to take this opportunity to appeal to any practitioners who are able to show support to these relatives, and to international organizations and upright individuals to investigate this case so that the perpetrators are brought to justice.

Contact information for those involved:

Head of the Changlinzi Labor Camp in Harbin: Shi Yingbai
Inspection Section: Ren Mingbao, 86-13936162187 (cell)
Management section: Manager Wu
Telephone No. Of The Fifth Team: 86-451-82037105,
Instructor: Wang Kai; Team Leader: Zhao Shuang.
Deputy Heads of the Team: Zhang Shengguo, Li Jiansong.
Instructor: Dou Yuxin, Guo Wanji, Lu Xuemin, Sun Qingyu, Liu and Bao.
Telephone No. Of The Fourth Team: 86-451-82307104
Head of Team: Hao Wei,
Instructors: Ao Ping, Ding Yanfeng, etc.

Phone No. Of Reeducation-Through-Labor Bureau of Harbin City: 86-451-82724371
Management Section of Reeducation-Through-Labor Bureau: 86-451-8270361