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Summary of Other Articles and News - December 31, 2004

January 09, 2005 |  


Facts of the Persecution

1. Ms. Wang Sufang, deputy head of the Retired Cadre Division, Fushun City Police Department, tortured in prison

Wang Sufang is the deputy head of the Retired Cadre Division of the Fushun City Police Department. She is an outstanding police officer. In November 2001, she was abducted for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She held a hunger strike at the detention center to protest the illegal arrest, and clarified the truth to the guards. She was released 14 days later. In January 2002, she was again abducted and was sent to the No. 2 Detention Center of Fushun City. During the detention, Wang Sufang was tortured with the "Tiger Bench" and was forced to wear shackles weighing 48 jin (about 50 lb). In January 2003, she was sent to Division 3, the Liaoning Province Female Prison, where she was forced to work 15 to 16 hours a day. Her health condition is declining drastically as a result of the harsh conditions and abuse.


2. Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Du Jincai has held a hunger strike for over 170 days at the Huludao City Forced Labor Camp

Mr. Du Jincai works at the Telecommunication Division of Jinhua Chemical Corporation Ltd. On April 26, 2004, he was arrested from work by officers from the National Security Division, the former Political and Security Division from the Lianshan District Police Department, and was sent to a detention center. He was later sent to Huludao City Forced Labor Camp to be held for three years. Du Jincai started a hunger strike on July 9, which has lasted over 170 days. The labor camp guards force-fed him on a daily basis. They deliberately left the feeding tube in, which caused the tube to stick to his esophagus and caused excruciating pain from his head to his stomach. The guards also put him solitary confinement to further torture him. The guards encouraged the inmates to torture him. The inmates forced him to lie on the ground, kneel, and spread his legs. They shocked him with electric batons and slapped his face. They also forbid his family to visit him.


3. Ms. Cui Yaning tortured at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp

Ms. Cui Yaning is 35 years old and lives in the Linghe District, Jinzhou City. In October 1999 she was sentenced to two years of forced labor for going to Beijing to appeal. She was sent to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp and was rescued from the prison two years later. In December 2001, she went to visit a friend and was again abducted and brutally tortured. In January 2002, she was secretly abducted and sent to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp where she has been tortured for three years. The labor camp authorities refuse to release her because she persists in practicing Falun Gong.


4. 62-year-old Hu Qingkui tortured at the Jinzhou City Forced Labor Camp

Hu Qingkui is 62 years old. She has been healthy since she started practicing Falun Gong; as a result she saved the government a lot of medical bills. In June 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in the hope that the government would listen to the facts. However, she was arrested and held at the No. 2 Detention Center. Two months later she was sentenced to three years of forced labor and was held at the Jinzhou City Forced Labor Camp where she was subjected to forced brainwashing. She was released 14 months later. In the summer of 2002 she was sentenced to three years of forced labor and was held at the Jinzhou City Forced Labor Camp. After the long-term torture, she has difficulty walking and can only do so with assistance from others.


5. Mr. Guo Xingguo in Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province persecuted

Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Guo Xingguo in Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province was persecuted for his belief. He lives in Group 5, Division 2 of Xing'an District, Hegang City. After the persecution began, he was detained for over one year. During the 2001 Chinese New Year he was arrested for writing a truth-clarification letter to the police. He was brutally tortured in prison and held a hunger strike for 18 days. He became emaciated and ill and the doctor diagnosed him with tuberculosis. The prison authorities extorted money from him before releasing him. His mother went into exile to avoid persecution. In September 2002, the Workers and Farmers' Court sentenced him to 15 years in prison. His mother was sentenced to three years of forced labor in October 2002. Toward the end of 2002, the authorities from the No. 1 Detention Center sent Guo Xingguo, who was critically ill, to Harbin Prison. In February 2003, Harbin Prison authorities notified Guo Xingguo's family to pick him up. He was on the brink of death. A doctor found his lungs had deteriorated and he had hyperplastic anemia. He studied the Fa and did the exercises in the hospital and miraculously recovered. He was soon taken back to the No. 1 Detention Center. On October 30th, 2004 he was sent to Harbin Prison, but he was not accepted because his health was deteriorating again. He was taken back to the No. 1 Detention Center and has been detained there to this day.


6. Practitioner Liu Shiyuan in Tangyuan County, Heilongjiang Province recounts persecution experiences

My name is Liu Shiyuan. I am 45 years old and I live in Tangyuan County, Heilongjiang Province. In May 2000, I met with fellow practitioners at a store that my sister owns. We were reported and arrested. I was illegally detained for 40 days and then sentenced to one year of forced labor. In April 2002, I was intercepted by the police on my way to Hegang. One officer repeatedly stomped on my ankles with hard boots until my ankles turned black. I almost passed out from the pain. Another officer put my fingers inside a handcuff and violently twisted my fingers until I lost all feeling in them. My hands were numb for several months afterwards. The next day, Zhou Tiegang ordered inmates to strip me naked, then pour cold water on me while violently hitting my spine with their elbows. They also hit my knees until they bled. My knees are still dysfunctional even now. The next day, inmate Su Dewen ordered more than 20 other inmates to take turns beating me. My face became deformed and blood came out of my ears; my whole body was covered with wounds. Later they assigned two people to further torture me. They pinched me and poked me with needles while hitting and beating me. My chest is covered with punctures from the needles. They filled my mouth with salt and forced me to hold it in my mouth. My clothes were soaked with sweat. I was short of breath and weak. Twenty days later I was sent to forced labor. I held a hunger strike to protest the persecution and was force-fed through my nose. I was handcuffed to a heating pipe with my hands behind my back, and then I was handcuffed to a folding bed, but was not allowed to sleep.


7. Li Hongbin, head of the Tangyuan Farm Police Department in Heilongjiang Province beat and extorted money from my family and me

My name is Wan Shuying. I am a practitioner in Heilongjiang Province. In July 2004, Li Hongbin, the Tangyuan Farm Police Department chief, led a group of police. They ransacked my home. On August 3, 2004, my parents were sent to the Xinhua Farm Detention Center and held there for 15 days. After my parents were released, my brother and I went to Li Hongbin to ask for the items that they confiscated when ransacking my home, because they didn't follow any legal procedures. Li Hongbin beat my brother and ordered police officers to take him away. He kicked and beat me, and two officers dragged me to a detention room. They handcuffed my hands behind my back, grabbed my hair and violently hit my face. Li Hongbin hit my brother's eyes, other parts of the face, head and back, and also handcuffed his hands behind his back. He also hit my brother with a bamboo stick. We were released after more than two hours of beating, during which time they called my parents and extorted 4,000 yuan from them. They also demanded that we apologize to them, or they would send us to forced labor or keep us in detention.


8. Tortures at the Yinmahe Forced Labor Camp in Jiutai, Jilin Province

The authorities at the Education Division, the Yinmahe Forced Labor Camp in Jilin Province try to force the practitioners to renounce their belief. They handcuff us in bed while stretching our limbs, force-feed us, flick our eyelids with their fingertips, stab our fingers with metal sticks, slap our face, beat and kick us, deprive us of sleep, and put us under strict control for a long period of time. On April 1, 2004, personnel from Jilin Province Judicial Department went to the labor camp to conduct an inspection. Guards Song Chenguang and Sun Jian were on duty. They hid practitioner Sun Zhigang, who was mentally traumatized from torture. Guard Liu said on TV, "We'll let [Falun Gong] practitioners know the strength of our reform efforts." In the year following Liu's TV appearance, the practitioners were brutally tortured on a daily basis. Guan Jinghui, the instructor in Division 5 often beat and verbally abused the practitioners. The instructors often sent practitioner Zhang Zhen from Yanbian to the Strictly Controlled Group, where the inmates assigned to watch him around the clock tortured him by flicking his eyelids with their fingertips; inmates Cheng Zhaofeng, Tian Dejun, Zhao Xinjia, Zhu Lijun and Luo Shuli used him as a punching bag and hit him until his chest and back turned black and his eyes were filled with blood. He suffered a mental collapse as a result of the torture. Practitioner Wu Longbo from the Chuanying District, Jilin City suffered periodic nervous breakdowns from torture. Practitioner Quan Changlu, in his 60s, was transferred to another prison.
