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After Protecting Falun Dafa Practitioners, Driver Escapes Injury in Serious Accident

January 04, 2005 |  


Protecting Dafa disciples, a driver escapes injury in a car accident

A driver in Sichuan Province protected Dafa disciples during a large-scale persecution action against Falun Gong by remaining silent about the practitioners who were clarifying the truth. This righteous driver was recently very fortunate when he was involved in a serious traffic accident but suffered no injuries.

On the evening of October 1, 2004, on a mountainous tourist route in Sichuan, this driver drove a new passenger vehicle over the edge of a cliff more than 60 meters high. According to eyewitnesses, the vehicle rolled a dozen times down the hillside before finally hitting bottom. The vehicle was completely destroyed, but to the surprise of everyone who saw it, the driver emerged unscathed, with no bleeding or broken bones.

According to the driver's account of the incident, when he jerked the steering wheel to avoid a pedestrian, the front wheel hit a roadblock by the side of the road. The airbag engaged and knocked him unconscious. After coming to, he found himself in a hospital. Because he was not injured, he was released from the hospital after a very short time. The local traffic police and media called this case a miracle.

Learning the truth, a leader protects Dafa disciples

A bureau level leader in Beijing is a distant relative of a Dafa disciple. Shortly after the persecution began, he learned the truth about Falun Dafa and ever since has actively resisted the unjust persecution to protect Dafa disciples.

Whenever Jiang's followers came to the work units under his charge to arrest practitioners, he would firmly oppose them and tell them righteously and sternly, "You will have to arrest me first. I am Falun Gong, 'Truth-Compassion-Forbearance' has been written all over my body!"

A local Dafa disciple's daughter-in-law once opposed her mother-in-law's continued practice of Falun Gong because of government pressure and deceit. This leader told her, "Do not oppose your mother-in-law. Falun Gong practitioners are all very kind!"

Not intimidated by the persecution, a family member of a Dafa disciple tells the truth

A Dafa disciple's younger sister has personally witnessed the Chinese Communist Party's persecution of Falun Gong, and has seen the suffering of her sibling over several years. Instead of being frightened, she became even more clear-headed in distinguishing good from evil, right from wrong. This year, on her own initiative, she said she wanted to practice Falun Gong and clarified the truth to her work unit. She presented Dafa books to other people, which had a very positive effect.

A university student tells his teacher who brought him a truth-clarifying VCD, "You are really great"

After watching "Under Wind and Rain, Traveling over the World" complied by Dafa disciples, a third-year university student said to the teacher who brought him the truth-clarifying VCD, "You are really great."

December 08, 2004