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Central New Agency: Falun Gong Practitioners from Taiwan's Jiayi Region Hold Anti-torture Exhibition

January 03, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Central News Agency report, January 1, 2005: Falun Gong practitioners in the Jiayi region of Taiwan held an "Anti-Torture Exhibition" in Puzi Park on the afternoon of January 1, 2005. They demonstrated how the Mainland government persecutes Falun Gong practitioners, and called on the Chinese Communist Party to respect human rights and to end persecution of good people.

Practitioners in the Jiayi region said that the human rights record of the Mainland has always been questioned by the world. According to statistics published on http://minghui.ca (Chinese www.cleariwisdom.net), it has been confirmed that 1,238 practitioners have been persecuted to death since the Chinese government started to persecute Falun Gong in July, 1999; 19 practitioners per month is the average death rate.

Falun Gong practitioners said that this number was based on confirmed data, compiled even though the Chinese government has been covering the truth. There are countless more death cases, which so far can't be confirmed; furthermore, the persecution is still ongoing. Therefore, based on the descriptions of persecution survivors, practitioners outside of China frequently hold "anti-torture exhibitions" to let the public know about the persecution and the torture methods employed by the Chinese Communist Party.