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After Practicing Falun Dafa, My Incurable Illness Disappeared

January 03, 2005 |   By a Dafa practitioner from Nong'an County, Jilin Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I lost my parents when I was twelve. Since then I lived with my sixteen--year-old sister and nine-year-old brother. I suffered many hardships, and often had to borrow money for food and clothes. After I got married, my husband often gambled and did not return home at night. With the burden of supporting my family, I became ill from being overworked. I often felt pain in my chest, and ate only a little porridge for each meal. Then, after tending the fields and doing housework, I was exhausted. As my children grew up and went to school, the family expenses increased. Due to the mental pressure, I became addicted to smoking. The more I smoked, the worse my health became, and I coughed heavily.

In 1997, a sudden serious illness turned my life upside down. Large lumps grew all over my body. I could hardly bear the pain and itching, and could not sleep all night. My face was very swollen. A doctor diagnosed me with leukemia, and said it was incurable and that medical treatment could only prolong my life for several years. An ordinary farmer like me could not afford the medical fees, so I gave up, and waited to die.

When I was in despair, someone in our village held a Falun Gong class, teaching the exercises at no charge. Many students who had benefited from practicing urged me to learn. I did not think too much about it at the time. Not only did I have leukemia and a goiter, but I also had difficulty breathing. Why not try it? I walked into the class on the eighth day of the first lunar month in 1998.

As I knew only a few Chinese characters, initially I only listened to the tape recordings of Master Li's Fa lectures. After I finished listening for the first time, my heart suddenly became bright. From then on I quit smoking, and began following "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," the requirement of Dafa, and constantly tried to be a good person. I stepped onto the road of cultivation practice.

When I started to read the book Zhuan Falun, because I knew only a few Chinese characters, I asked other practitioners for help just like a grade school student. I learned how to look up words in the dictionary. Soon, I learned all the characters in Zhuan Falun. Whenever I held the book to read, I forgot all my pain. I quickly learned to do the exercises and enjoyed practicing. I went to the Fa study site to practice every day. One day, a fellow practitioner asked me: "Where are the two big lumps on your neck?" When I looked, they were gone. I could breathe easily too.

This strengthened my confidence in practicing and studying the Fa. Letting go of the concern for disease and pain, I went to labor in the fields during the day, and went home to study the Fa and practice the exercises in the evening. Gradually, all the inflamed spots on my body disappeared and I felt no pain or itching. Since practicing Falun Gong, I have not needed any medicine, nor have I needed to go to the hospital even once. My leukemia was gone. It was Master Li and Falun Dafa who saved me from the hands of death.

On July 20, 1999, Jiang's regime trampled the constitution, and began to persecute Falun Gong. Like hundreds of thousands of other Falun Gong practitioners, I suffered many tribulations due to the persecution. The village officials forced us to attend meetings from time to time. They said it was illegal to practice Falun Gong, but they could not tell which law it violated; they claimed Falun Gong was not good in certain ways, but actually, all these were fabricated rumors. Sometimes, they even came to my home, and they forcibly took my handprint.

Falun Dafa has given me a new life. The authorities forbade me to practice or study the Fa. Do they want me to die? We practice "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," to be good people. What is wrong with this? Kind-hearted people, please think about it rationally! The Chinese Communist Party has invented one political movement after another for all these years. Who is telling the truth? Do not believe the rumors anymore. Listen to the truth of Dafa, and do not be deceived.