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Practitioners Appear On National Television in Bulgaria to Expose the Persecution of Falun Gong in China

January 24, 2005 |   By a Bulgarian practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) On January 7, 2005, two Bulgarian Falun Gong practitioners were invited as guests to reveal the truth about Falun Gong on a morning show for a state-owned TV Station recently established by the Bulgarian National Department. The programs of this station are broadcast nationwide.

The host asked how Falun Dafa differed from other practices like Yoga, Taiji, and Buddhism, and what the effect of practicing Falun Dafa was. She asked whether it was possible to practice at one's workplace. The practitioners talked about the cultivation principles and how Falun Dafa helps people become better individuals.

When the host asked why Falun Dafa was persecuted in China, the practitioners explained that by 1999, within 7 years of its introduction to the public, the number of Falun Dafa practitioners in China had reached an estimated 70-100 million. Former Chinese Communist Party leader Jiang Zemin could see that the practice had been widely accepted by the population and, fearing its popularity, thus gave orders to persecute Falun Dafa - in spite of objections by the other committee members of the Chinese Politburo. The practitioners also pointed out that the CCP has disregarded lives, persecuted and subjugated the Chinese people ever since it took power.

While the practitioners spoke, Falun Dafa music could be heard in the background. Viewers also got to see clips from Bulgarian Falun Gong practitioners exercising at the practice site.

January 12, 2005