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Radio France International: The Prime Minister of Canada Asks the Chinese Government to Provide an Explanation for Revoked Visas

January 23, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On January 14th 2005, Radio France International reported the following news to the Asia-Pacific and the Mandarin-speaking areas of Paris on its Chinese broadcasting channel in a special program entitled, "The Asia-Pacific Action."

The Canadian Prime Minister demanded that China provide an explanation for the cancellation of two Canadian reporters' visas. China initially approved the visas for the two journalists, but dismissed the applications later. Both journalists were reporters for New Tang Dynasty TV and were gearing up for joining the group of reporters traveling with Prime Minister Paul Martin. In fact, they had already received the approved visas, which were later recalled by China. Martin told a reporter, "It is a serious matter for us. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are among our values and principles. We have been in negotiation with the Chinese Embassy in Canada regarding this incident."

Canadian Prime Minister Martin will embark on a visit to China from January 20th to the 23rd, to have talks with Hu Jintao, the Chinese State Chairman, and Premier Wen Jiabao.
