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Summary of Other Articles and News - December 26, 2004

January 21, 2005 |  


Facts of the Persecution

  1. In January 2000, Jilin Falun Dafa practitioner Yu Guizhen was sent to the Changchun Heizuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp for one year, and her term was later extended for two months. She has suffered cruel physical and mental torture. The policemen hung practitioners by their hands from the top of a bunk bed so that their feet couldn't touch the ground. Their bodies were stretched to the breaking point, and they suffered unbearable pain. In the winter, practitioners were not allowed to dress warmly. Their arms and legs were tied together, and then they were thrown into a freezing room, where they suffered for the whole night. They were also subjected to different forms of corporal punishment. They were forced to do hard labor for at least 17 or 18 hours every day. They usually had to work all night long.
  2. See details at: http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2004/12/26/92193.html

  3. Mr. Li Tibo, a practitioner from Cangzhou City, was fired from the Cangzhou City Transformer Factory in Hebei Province because he continued to practice Falun Gong. He was blackmailed out of 2,700 yuan. In the summer of 2001, Li was arrested for producing truth-clarification materials and detained at the Cangzhou City No.1 Detention Center. On February 6, 2002, when he was finally released, he was unable to walk as a result of the torture. A medical examination showed that he had pulmonary tuberculosis. Even so, the Cangzhou City Yunhe District Court still illegally sentenced him 11 years. In November 2002, he was arrested and detained at the No.4 Provisional Jail in Shijiazhuang City. He was tortured until he became very weak. Mr. Li's mother and younger brother, who live in Hechengjie Village, Xian County, Cangzhou City, went to Beijing to appeal. They were arrested and sent back to their hometown. His younger brother Li Xiupeng was brutally beaten at the detention center. He wasn't released until authorities had extorted 9,000 yuan from him. After his mother was illegally detained for over three months, she was sent to Xicheng Mental Hospital, where she was given injections against her will and shocked with electric needles. In just over 10 days, she had been persecuted so severely that she was unable to walk, so they had to send her home. They blackmailed her for a total of 3,600 yuan.
  4. See details at: http://minghui.org/mh/articles/2004/12/26/92188.html

  5. On October 11, 2004, Harbin City Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp guards instigated criminal inmates to drag practitioners Yao Shiguo, Sun Ying, Kou Fangqi, Gao Jizhu, Chang Yongfu, Na Zhenxian, Li Shoutian, Li Chunlin, Liu Baobin, He Qinghui, An Xiulun, and Wang Shiwei into a room prepared in advance. Under the direction of the policemen, the criminal inmates threatened and beat the practitioners to varying degrees. Yao Shiguo, Kou Fangqi, Gao Jizhu, Chang Yongfu, An Xiulun, Sun Ying, Wang Shiwei, and He Qinghui were beaten badly. Some were beaten until their faces were black and blue. Some had their arms and legs injured. Some sustained back injuries from the beatings and couldn't stand up. He Qinghui, who lost consciousness for over 10 days, was beaten most severely. He is still receiving medical treatment in a rehabilitation center to this day. After this incident, the guards tried their best to block information. They fabricated some false information in order to evade their responsibilities.
  6. See details at: http://minghui.org/mh/articles/2004/12/26/92213.html

  7. The policemen from Mudanjiang Jail in Heilongjiang Province are responsible for several cases of brutality. On January 20, 2004, Liu Minghua, Head of the No.14 Jail District, kicked practitioner Shen Jinxiang to the ground and then kicked him in the lower back and head. He also called over a jail instructor named Gao and ordered him to beat Shen with an electric baton, injuring Shen's left leg. Shen couldn't walk for over 15 days. Liu then made Shen do hard labor, preventing Shen's left leg from healing properly for nearly a year. In early September 2004, No. 8 Jail District criminal inmate Guo Honglie beat up practitioner Guan Wenlong. When Guan Wenlong wasn't able to do hard labor, policeman Wu Xiujun beat up Guan with an electric baton and forced him to work even though his wounds hadn't healed. On the morning of September 20, 2004, policemen from the No. 8 District used two electric batons to beat up practitioner Huang Guodong. At the end of October 2004 in the No.6 Jail District, practitioner Yu Haizhong's family sent him some money, but it was withheld secretly by a policeman. When Yu wrote a letter of complaint to the person in charge of the jail, the policeman ordered prisoners to beat up Yu until his nose and mouth were bleeding. On November 22, 2004, Sui Miao, a prisoner from the No.8 Jail District, beat up practitioner Guan Wenlong. Huo Songyang, a caretaker, beat up practitioner Guan Wenlong twice.
  8. See details at: http://minghui.org/mh/articles/2004/12/26/92212.html

  9. At Shuangliu County's brainwashing center in Chengdu City, practitioners were detained in a room only a little over 10 square meters for extended persecution. This was same room where Cai Dongming, a practitioner from Huayang Township, had been illegally detained for nearly nine months. He suffered tremendously, both physically and mentally. For the time being, Li Bihua, Zhong Lijuan from Shuangliu County, Li Qingxue from Peng Township, Yan Lijun from the Sichuang Gear Factory, Song Jie, and other practitioners are suffering mental and physical torture in this brainwashing center, where law enforcement officers arbitrarily beat up and punish Falun Gong practitioners.
  10. See details at: http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2004/12/26/92203.html

  11. After Jiujiang Factory employee and practitioner Cao Juncheng went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, his company stopped paying all of his salary except for a monthly allowance of 180 yuan. In April 2000, Cao went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong again. He was arrested and held at the detention center for nearly two months. After he came back, his company put him under surveillance. Cao had to leave home to avoid arrest. He was forced to leave his wife, who was taking care of a three-year old child under difficult circumstances. In March 2002, policemen from the 610 Office in the No.1 Division Security Department of the Shili Police Bureau arrested Cao. He was held at the detention center for nearly eight months. In November he was sentenced to 10 years. During his detention, Cao suffered cruel punishment. He was hung up for one week in a hotel in the city, and a hot iron was used to burn his chest. Formerly a strong young man, he became weak and emaciated from the abuse that he suffered.
  12. Another employee named Zhang Wenlei is also from the same factory. He went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong twice. He was held at the detention center and then sentenced to a forced labor camp, where he was subjected to brainwashing. After Zhang was released from the forced labor camp, he declared that all he had said and done under the brainwashing to be null and void, and that he would start practicing Falun Dafa again. Soon after that, the police arrested him again and sent to the forced labor camp for two years. Now he is suffering inhuman torture at Majialong Forced Labor Camp.

    See details at: http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2004/12/26/92202.html

  13. The Shijiazhuang No. 2 Jail specializes in detaining Falun Dafa practitioners. Practitioners are placed under long-term detention and subjected to both mental and physical torture. Practitioner Liu Xiaorong was arrested and detained for a year in Shijiazhuang Jail for promoting the Fa and clarifying the truth. In 2001 she was detained in an individual cell many times. From May to August she was dragged from the third floor, tearing open the skin on her back. She was persecuted nearly to death. Liu was detained in an individual cell many times. She went on a hunger strike many times and was beaten repeatedly for promoting Falun Gong, clarifying the truth, and doing the exercises. Prisoners responsible for monitoring her injured Liu Xiaorong's private areas with an unknown device. She suffered tremendous pain and couldn't walk. When she recited the Fa, they covered her mouth with a bowl. Li Xiaoying was persecuted to the point of mental collapse. Four years have passed. Instead of being released, these practitioners were transferred to the "legal institution" brainwashing session to be persecuted. One practitioner at the Shijiazhuang No. 2 Jail is over 60 years old, and over 20 are young practitioners. There are between 70 and 80 practitioners confined there all together. Many practitioners who go on hunger strikes to resist the persecution are detained in individual cells. They have become very weak, such as Bai Yuzhi, who has been on hunger strike for over three months.
  14. See details at: http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2004/12/26/92199.html

  15. Policemen from the Tianjin City Beichen Shuangkou Forced Labor Camp used cruel punishments to torture practitioners. They shocked them with electric batons, deprived them of sleep, used criminal inmates to monitor them, let them bake under the scorching sun, and forced them to put their legs all the way up in a military posture. The police also fabricated false evidence. Even when practitioners were killed, they were identified as having committed suicide. Practitioner Liu Ping, who was tortured to death, was a 33-year-old pilot. Practitioner Chen Baoliang, who was killed, lived in Beichen Tianmu Town. The persecutors were afraid of being exposed and transferred a few practitioners who knew the truth to other forced labor camps. In the Shuangkou Forced Labor Camp's No. 1 Team, the police are even more vicious. When they forced practitioners to work overtime in order to increase their own incomes, they ordered criminal inmate Yu Tao to monitor the practitioners. As a result, practitioner Yang Jianzhuan contracted pleura ascites, Zhang Jianghao vomited, and Wu Lianyin developed high blood pressure and couldn't eat.
  16. See details at: http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2004/12/26/92198.html

  17. Li Weiyuan, Head of the Lingyuan Forced Labor Bureau in Liaoning Province, used all kinds of excuses to withhold salaries and benefits from his staff members who practice Falun Gong. In turn, a significant portion of the withheld money is used to persecute the Falun Gong practitioners. Li Weiyuan, along with police from the Linghe Police Bureau, arrested practitioners, ransacked their homes, physically abused them, extorted confessions through torture, extorted money and assets, and monitored them. Especially since May 2004, in order to meet the "transformation rate" and show off the labor camp's achievements, Li ganged up with Linghe Police Bureau Head Liu Qingchen and collaborated with the Fushun Brainwashing Class. Together they abducted a group of practitioners from Li's staff and sent them to the Fushun Brainwashing Class to be persecuted each month. Five sessions have been held already. He planned to continue this until the year's end. Some practitioners were released and then arrested again, sometimes two and three times. Some had up to several hundred thousand yuan extorted from them. It costs 3,500 yuan for each person every month at the Fushui Brainwashing Class, paid by the Forced Labor Bureau. In addition, after the practitioners returned from the brainwashing session, they would be detained in the No. 3 Jail for further brainwashing.
  18. See details at: http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2004/12/26/92189.html

  19. In late November 2003, the Hubei Province Brainwashing Center illegally and violently seized practitioners from all over the province and put them into brainwashing classes. They extorted from 6,000 to 7,000 yuan from each practitioner's family or work unit. At the brainwashing session, a few custodians who take turns talking nonsense monitor each practitioner day and night. The practitioners are sworn at, humiliated, and physically punished for a long time. They are also deprived of sleep, beaten up and otherwise cruelly tortured. Their tormentors adopted various methods to deceive practitioners and defame Dafa. A practitioner who is 67 years old became healthy after cultivating Falun Dafa. A short period after she was sent to the brainwashing session, she was reduced to skin and bones. She had injuries all over her body due to the beatings. She couldn't endure the pain and lost the ability to take care of herself.
  20. See details at: http://minghui.org/mh/articles/2004/12/26/92180.html