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Cases of Illegally Arrested Dafa Practitioners Who Suffered Persecution Recently in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province

January 20, 2005 |  


1. On December 10, 2004, the police from Chengxin Police Station in Daqing forcefully broke into Dafa practitioners' residences in Yinlang District. The Dafa practitioners who were illegally arrested at that time were Shi Jing, Yu Guixiang, Li Guiquan, and a female Dafa practitioner who did not give her name. They were imprisoned in a local police station for one day and one night. Ms Shi and Mr. Li repeatedly shouted, "Falun Dafa is good." While in detention, Ms Shi had on only knitted wool trousers, underwear and a Chinese-style waistcoat, and was barefooted. Police physically abused her, once even knocking her head into the ground. Both of her feet were stomped on over and over again by the police, eventually turning them swollen and blue. Her hips were kicked until they were badly bruised. Mr. Li also suffered different degrees of persecution. Around 3 p.m. on the afternoon of December 11, Ms Shi was sent to Daqing Detention Center and imprisoned. Around 6 p.m., she was taken to the police station and interrogated. She refused to cooperate and was locked to a metal chair for 6 days and 6 nights. By the time she returned to the detention center, she was in such bad shape that she could not get out of bed or take care of herself, yet she still fasted to resist the persecution continuously. Every day, she was carried outside and force-fed.

It is hoped that Dafa practitioners will send forth righteous thoughts together to help her overcome the persecution.

2. One evening about one month after being released from Harbin Drug Rehabilitation Center, Ms Zhao Hongying went to practitioner Ms. Zhang Shuying's home along with Ms. Li Yuejiao. After breaking into Ms. Zhang's home, the police illegally arrested the three of them. In the local police station, they were made to sit on a metal chair for an entire day and night before they were sent to Daqing Detention Center for further persecution. When Ms. Zhao was interrogated, she was locked to the metal chair for three days and nights. Her jacket and sweater were ripped off and thrown on the ground. They poured water all over her, opened the windows, put ice cubes inside her clothes and down her back, and did not allow her to sleep.

Ms. Wang Shufen, 70, was arrested at home without any reason.

Ms. Xiong Yuzhen was released only after she was persecuted to the point where she could no longer look after herself while in the Daqing Detention Center. A short time later she was forcefully carried to Daqing Detention Center from her home. In the afternoon of December 21, 2004, the police thought that she had died, so they carried her outside for emergency rescue. After she regained consciousness, she was taken back to the detention center.

Now there are more than 20 Dafa practitioners who are imprisoned in Daqing Detention Center. Some of them are on hunger strike to resist the persecution.

Practitioners who are known to be illegally imprisoned include Li Bingying and Wang Youji from Babaishang; Wang Shufang, Li Yuejiao, Zhao Hongying, Zhang Shuying, Xiong Yuzhen and others from Jiuchang. Others include Zhan, Yu Guixiang, Li Yegui, Li Guiquan, Jiao Long, Zhang Bin, Shi Jing, Wang Guiyan, and Zhang Yanping.