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Practitioner Jiang Cuilan Tortured to Near Death in Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp, Wanquan County, Hebei Province

January 02, 2005 |   By a Dafa practitioner from Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Jiang Cuilan, 58, from Zhangjiakou in Wanquan County, Wanquan Town, has been persecuted the past few years for practicing Falun Gong. On October 2004, the police abducted her and took her to the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp in Baoding City. Continuous torture has emaciated Ms. Jiang and put her life in danger.

Ms. Jiang once had many serious illnesses, such as sciatica and gynecological problems. These illnesses had bothered her for many years. After attaining Falun Dafa in 1996, Ms. Jiang was cured of all her ailments. After witnessing the drastic improvement in Ms. Jiang's health, her relatives also decided to practice Falun Dafa. The Jiang family became healthy and harmonious. They were very thankful to Master and Dafa. The Jiang family has told many people about the power and beauty of Falun Dafa.

In January 2000, Ms. Jiang, along with several other practitioners, went to Beijing to peacefully appeal to the national government. They were arrested before they even arrived at the Appeals Office, a government agency established by the Chinese Constitution to handle citizens' grievances and complaints. Ms. Jiang's 3500 yuan were confiscated, and she was detained. In the summer of 2000, Ms. Jiang was arrested again for participating in a group exercise. The Wanquan County Police Department and Wanquan County Police Station fined her 800 yuan.

One evening in July 2001, Jin Hong, the deputy superintendent of the police station, and three other officers barged into Ms. Jiang's house and confiscated her cassette player and Falun Dafa books.

On March 26, 2002, Ms. Jiang was abducted while distributing information clarifying the facts about Falun Gong. She was illegally detained. After fifteen days on a hunger strike, Ms. Jiang was released. Meanwhile, the police arrested Ms. Jiang's husband because the entire Jiang's family practiced Falun Gong. The police detained him for 45 days and fined him about 4000 yuan.

Ms. Jiang was subjected to many tortures in the labor camp. In 2003, she developed a severe heart problem and was on the verge of death. The labor camp authorities released her so that they would not be held responsible for her condition.

In October 2004, Jiang Aiguo from the Wanquan County National Security team, Du Zhanjun from Wanquan Town, and Li Shujun and Yang Jun from the Wanquan Town Police Station abducted Mrs. Jiang and took her to the Zhangjiakong City Police Department for interrogation. She was then transferred to the Baoding City Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp.

Ms. Jiang has been detained there for over two months. Continuous torture has damaged Ms. Jiang's heart. She is forced to take transfusions, but she is getting worse daily. Ms. Jiang's life is in danger. The Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp had once informed her family that they would release Ms. Jiang if the local police department would issue a certificate of release on bail for medical treatment. In the meantime, the camp continues to detain her.