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Toronto Star: PM urged to press Beijing (Excerpt)

January 15, 2005 |  

Thursday, January 13, 2005 20:26


OTTAWA -- A coalition of human rights organizations is appealing to Prime Minister Paul Martin to adopt a comprehensive strategy on human rights in China on his upcoming visit.

At a news conference this morning, the group will release a five-page letter sent to Martin yesterday that urges him to mark out a different approach to the one taken by former prime minister Jean Chrétien.

"Trade cannot be allowed to overshadow human rights during this visit," said Alex Neve, secretary general for Amnesty International Canada.

"Our concern is that's absolutely been the past practice and experience. Our hope is we have a new Prime Minister, a new moment in time and there is a possibility for a different approach this time."


Rights advocates want Martin to raise specific cases of individuals they say have been jailed or tortured in China.

The coalition includes Amnesty International, Rights and Democracy, Canadian Labour Congress, Toronto Association for Democracy in China, Uyghur Canadian Association, Canada Tibet Committee, Falun Dafa Association of Canada, PEN Canada and Democracy China Ottawa.

Neve said Canada should establish "benchmarks" that China ought to meet on human rights. It ought to identify specific laws to be reformed and international treaties to be signed.

Federal officials said Martin will discuss human rights in general terms.
