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Solemn Statements from Falun Dafa Practitioners

January 13, 2005 |  


Ever since I became aware of Falun Dafa in 1996, my body and mind have improved tremendously. I am sincerely grateful to our Master. Early in the morning of July 20, 1999, the public security policemen came to our practice site in their police cars and drove us away with electric batons. Afterward, they ransacked practitioners' apartments and confiscated Dafa books, tapes, and the Master's pictures. They ordered us not to practice Falun Gong from then on. We did not accept the order since there is nothing wrong with practicing Falun Gong. In 2000, many of us were abducted by police on our way to the government petition house in Beijing, and we were detained in a detention center for three months. After being released from the detention center, I was sent to a brainwashing class. The local officials asked my parents, who were over 80 years old, my son, and my husband to persuade me to give in. They forced my husband to leave his position at work, saying that he could not go back to work until he helped me write a "Guarantee Statement." Since that time my husband has been unemployed.

I wrote a statement "promising to be a good person who is valuable to our nation and people." The officials from the 610 Office revised what I wrote and changed it into the "Three Statements" denouncing Dafa. They also asked me to read the statements aloud on a stage. I did not read what they had revised. Then, they asked my husband, a non-practitioner, to read it again. I was released to go home after my husband paid a fine.

I continued to do what a Dafa practitioner should do, distributing Dafa materials and clarifying the Dafa truth to people. In 2002, I was abducted and taken to the brainwashing center again. Three people stayed with me, closely monitoring me around the clock. Meanwhile, three or four people took turns interrogating me continually and forced me to write the "Three Statements." Under pressure, my husband beat and kicked me, forcing me to give in. At the same time, the 610 Office officials kept threatening me. I wrote the "Three Statements" and some words that were not good for Dafa. After I had turned in a 2,000 yuan fine, I was released. After I returned home, I had a great deal of pain in my heart. Upon recalling the shameful "three statements" I wrote, I felt too ashamed to ever see Master again. I did not eliminate my fear in the face of life and death and my attachment to sentimentality. I was not qualified to be called a Fa-rectification period Dafa disciple. However, I could not miss the opportunity that would not be encountered for thousands of years. I will stand up from where I fell down and treasure the time Master left for us. I will continue to do the three things Master requires us to do, always remind myself that I am a Dafa disciple during the Fa-rectification period, and that I must act with righteous thoughts and deeds. The "three statements" and all the words not good for Dafa are void. They were not written from my heart. I must deny whatever the old forces have arranged for me and take the cultivation path arranged by Master. I will do well the three things that should be done by a Dafa disciple and firmly practice Dafa to the end.

Zhang Meixiang

December 22, 2004


In spring 2000, local officials abducted me and took me to a police station where they tried to brainwash me. No matter what they said, I replied that I would practice Falun Gong and firmly believe in Master. Policemen stripped off my clothes and tied me to a tree. It was snowing and windy that day. The policemen poured water over my head. The water dripped to the ground and froze there. Then, the policemen asked whether I would continue the practice. I firmly said, "Yes!" I knew that the evils could not harm me as long as I firmly believed in Master and had righteous thoughts. The policemen left me outside in the cold throughout the night, yet no part of my body got frostbitten. I realized that it was Master who had protected me, and it was the mighty power of Dafa. However, several policemen caught cold. They also found the power of the Dafa. In the end, none of the means they used worked, so they said to me, "You can go home!" I was then released. In July of 2004, someone from the local bureau of justice tricked me into going to a brainwashing center. There, those former practitioners who had enlightened along an evil path, talked me into their deviated way of thinking. They wrote a "Guarantee Statement" for me to sign and I complied. After reading the article on the importance of solemn statements written by a fellow practitioner, I realized that my "Guarantee Statement" was a contract I signed with the old forces. I must write a "solemn statement" to deny the arrangements of the old forces. All I have said and written that does not conform to Dafa is void. I must completely break from the old forces, do well the three things that a Dafa disciple should do, and truly follow the Fa-rectification cultivation path arranged by Master.

Zhang Ting

December 27, 2004
