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Latest News from China -- August 27, 2004

September 13, 2004 |  


  1. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Cao Xiangfen Tortured to a State of Mental Collapse in Shizishan Drug Rehabilitation Center in Wuhan
  2. [Jinzhou, Liaoning Province] The Situation of Pan Xueshu and Li Baojie from Jinzhou Area after Their Arrest
  3. [Chongqing] Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Su Dafen from Beipei District Sentenced to Prison
  4. [Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province] Taoshan Branch Police Department Arrests Five More Falun Dafa Practitioners
  5. [Li County, Hunan Province] Ms. Wang Fuzhen, Ms. Chen Daolan and Ms. He Yunxiu from Liyang County Are Arrested
  6. [Chiping County, Shandong Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Li Donghong and Liu Hua from Haoji Town Are Arrested
  7. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Tangshan Police Arrest Numerous Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Month of July
  8. [Inner Mongolia] Facts of Dai Guochen Being Tortured by Manzhouli Police
  9. [Changsha City, Hunan Province] Falun Dafa Student Ms. Shu Bilan Arrested
  10. [Non'an County, Jilin Province] Police Sabotage a Production Site for Falun Gong Truth-clarification Materials and Arrest Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhou Yongping
  11. [Huazhou City, Guangdong Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Chen Xiu Arrested
  12. [Beijing] Mr. Wang Fenglong from Fangshan District Arrested Again

1. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Cao Xiangfen Tortured to a State of Mental Collapse in Shizishan Drug Rehabilitation Center in Wuhan

Falun Gong student Ms. Cao Xiangfen was an employee at the Daye City Department Store. The Daye police had taken her to the detention center numerous times as she persevered in practicing Falun Dafa. Around 2000, Ms. Cao was taken to the Shizishan Drug Rehabilitation Center in Wuhan City, Hubei Province for one year of forced labor. The guards did everything they could to abuse her. She suffered a mental collapse while serving the unlawful forced labor term. Her whereabouts are unknown at present.

2. [Jinzhou, Liaoning Province] The Situation of Pan Xueshu and Li Baojie from Jinzhou Area after Their Arrest

On August 22, Falun Dafa practitioner Pan Xueshu was sent to the Benxi Forced Labor Camp. Pan has been on hunger strike ever since. Pan was claimed by the police to have suffered from tuberculosis and has been receiving infusions every day.

Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Baojie has also been on hunger strike since August 20 when she was taken to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. The police denied visits by her family and claimed that she was on infusions and was consuming five bottles of medicine every day.

3. [Chongqing] Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Su Dafen from Beipei District Sentenced to Prison

Ms. Su Dafen, 66, is a Falun Dafa practitioner in the Beipei District of Chongqing. On July 9, 2004, the Beipei District Court unlawfully detained Ms. Su under the excuse of gathering information. On July 16, she was secretly sentenced to three and a half years in prison by this court. Ms. Su appealed her case and on August 10, 2004, she was forcibly taken to the Yongchuan Women's Prison. She was denied admission by the prison authorities as she was diagnosed to be suffering from severe tuberculosis in the physical examination upon her arrival at the prison. The police had to take her back and held her in custody at the Beipei District Detention Center.

4. [Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province] Taoshan Branch Police Department Arrests Five More Falun Dafa Practitioners

The Taoshan Branch Police Department in Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province has been arresting Falun Dafa practitioners recently. In the period from August 18 through August 23 alone, five Falun Dafa practitioners were arrested, including Yin Ping, Yang Yuming, a practitioner surnamed Guo and others. Two other practitioners have been forced to leave town in order to avoid being arrested. The practitioners arrested have been deprived of sleep and interrogated day and night.

Relevant telephone numbers:
Country code: 86; City code: 464
Qitaihe City Police Department: 8297121
Taoshan Branch Police Department: 8263281
Qitaihe City "610 Office": 8267610

5. [Li County, Hunan Province] Ms. Wang Fuzhen, Ms. Chen Daolan and Ms. He Yunxiu from Liyang County Are Arrested

On the morning of June 12, 2004, Falun Dafa practitioners Ms. Wang Fuzhen, Ms. Chen Daolan and Ms. He Yunxiu from Liyang Town in Lifeng County, Hunan Province went close to Cennan Township to distribute leaflets to raise public awareness about Falun Gong. Plainclothes policemen followed the three practitioners. When the practitioners went back to the Chengguan Dispatching and Packaging Factory to clarify the truth, the State Security Unit placed them under arrest. At present, the three practitioners are being held in a detention center for interrogation and torture.

6. [Chiping County, Shandong Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Li Donghong and Liu Hua from Haoji Town Are Arrested

Around noon on August 25, 2004, Falun Dafa practitioners Ms. Li Donghong and Liu Hua went to Liuji Township in Dong'e to distribute Falun Gong truth-clarifying leaflets. Informants not aware of the truth of Falun Dafa alerted the police, and the two practitioners were taken to the Liuji Township Police Station in Dong'e.

Relevant telephone numbers:
Country code: 86; City code: 635
Liuji Township Police Station: 3514033, 3514197
Office of the Party Secretary of Liuji Township: 3514597
Liuji Township Government: 3514088

7. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Tangshan Police Arrest Numerous Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Month of July

On July 1, 2004, officers from the Lunan Branch Police Department and Zhaozhuang Police Station in the Lunan District of Tangshan City demanded the cooperation by the Shuangxinlou Residential Committee and broke into Falun Gong student Ms. Cao Yurong's home at Room 402, Unit 1 of No. 106 Shuangxinlou. Ms. Cao's husband tried to find out why they had burst in, but was held down by three policemen on the bed. Several other officers forcibly took Ms. Cao from the fourth floor all the way down to the police vehicle. Ms. Cao was transferred in the afternoon to the No. 1 Detention Center from the Zhaozhuang Police Station. Further details are not available.

On July 1, 2004, officers from the Lubei Branch Police Department and the Dali Road Police Station in Lubei District broke into the home of an engineering student, Falun Gong practitioner Wang, who was living in Room 502, Unit 4 of No. 116 Tielulou. The police ransacked the place and took Falun Gong student Hu, as well as the elderly Mr. Zheng and Zheng's wife to the Dali Road Police Station. The practitioners were later transferred to the No. 1 Detention Center. Further details are not available.

8. [Inner Mongolia] Facts of Dai Guochen Being Tortured by Manzhouli Police

Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Dai Guochen was detained for over a year by the Manzhouli City Police Department in Inner Mongolia starting in early November 2002. He became ill in prison but was not released until the police extorted 20,000 yuan in cash from him. All the valuable items at his home had been taken into possession by the police.

On August 19, 2004, members of the city's State Security Unit broke into Mr. Dai's home and told him that he was needed for a talk at the police department. Then Mr. Dai either jumped or was pushed out of the second floor window. He is presently in the No. 2 Zhaqu Hospital. The police have sent guards to watch him around the clock and no information is to be released to the outside.

9. [Changsha City, Hunan Province] Falun Dafa Student Ms. Shu Bilan Arrested

Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Shu Bilan, in her fifties, is a retired employee of Changsha City Postal and Telecommunications Bureau. She was sent to the Baimalong Forced Labor Camp in Hunan Province, where her forced labor term was extended. After being released, Ms. Shu was actively involved in raising public awareness about the truth of Falun Gong. On August 5, 2004, other practitioners lost contact with her. There are reports that she has been abducted and taken to the Laodaohe Brainwashing Unit in Changsha City, Hunan Province.

10. [Non'an County, Jilin Province] Police Sabotage a Production Site for Falun Gong Truth-clarification Materials and Arrest Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhou Yongping

On August 23, 2004, police sabotaged a production site for Falun Gong materials in Non'an County, Jilin Province. Falun Dafa practitioner Zhou Yongping was arrested.

11. [Huazhou City, Guangdong Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Chen Xiu Arrested

On the morning of August 23, 2004, a total of twenty or so people from the Xiaguo Police Station in Huazhou City and from the "610 Office" led by Dong, Head of the police station, abducted Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Chen Xiu and took her to a brainwashing unit in Maoming.

A few days earlier, several members of the "610 Office" arrived at the store run by Ms. Chen and attempted to take her away. Ms. Chen told the people around her about the unlawful treatment she had received over the past five years of persecution. She had been detained and fined many times for practicing Falun Dafa. The crowd came to know the truth and condemned the police officers from the "610 Office" and prevented them from taking Ms. Chen away.

12. [Beijing] Mr. Wang Fenglong from Fangshan District Arrested Again

In March 2004 the Fangshan Branch Police Department arrested Mr. Wang Fenglong, a Falun Dafa practitioner from the Fangshan District of Beijing, from his home and held him in custody for over a month. On August 17, 2004, the Fangshan police deceived Mr. Wang and arrested him again.