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Weekend Truth-Clarifying Trip to New York (Photos)

August 15, 2004 |   By a Chinese practitioner living in North America

(Clearwisdom.net) In the afternoon of August 6, 2004, we arranged an anti-torture exhibition at South Street Port in New York City. There were a lot of people there because a community basketball tournament was taking place nearby. Around 3 p.m., there was a continuous stream of passers-by, and lots of people stopped to watch our exhibition and read our posters carefully.

Many of them were shocked by the terrifying persecution and asked for more information. Whenever practitioners took the initiative to clarify the truth to them and use the photos and the torture display to further explain the situation in China, people were moved. Many people were asking: "Why would the Chinese government [Jiang's regime] persecute Falun Gong?" When we told them that there was no freedom of belief or freedom of the press in today's China, people then came to understand why. Many of us there were Chinese and don't speak English often, yet we found that even with the most simple English, people could understand the truth with the help of the posters and the anti-torture exhibition.

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People all want to learn the truth

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People want to learn about the persecution

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We support Falun Gong

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Learning the truth of the persecution

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"As long as it can help people understand the persecution, I can sit on the Tiger Bench even longer." A practitioner demonstrating one of the torture methods used by Jiang's regime to persecute practitioners

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A practitioner acting as real-life model in the anti-torture exhibition

We know people all have a conscience and a sense of justice. We need to find the right way and present the right message to awaken them so that more people and eventually all circles of society will have the right thought in their hearts about Falun Dafa and the persecution.

A T-shirt vendor was set up across from our exhibition. After he learned the truth about the situation in China, he helped us to distribute fliers. He said, "The U.S. is a free nation and you absolutely have the right to display your exhibition." When I sincerely talked with another vendor who was concerned that that our activity disturbed his business, his attitude also changed.

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"My English is not good, however, my words can still reach peoples' heart"

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"I support you!" A passer-by signed our petition

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Many people signed a petition in support of Falun Gong

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A lot of passers-by stopped to watch the anti-torture exhibition

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Clarifying truth

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A vendor helped practitioners to distribute fliers

Those who acted as models in the anti-torture exhibition demonstrated practitioners' dignity and peacefulness. Practitioners are different from other people. Facing brutality, we should be firm and fearless.

Many people told us that our exhibition was very good and that we should hold them at more sites. Some people recommended places where there are usually many people around, for us to consider as areas for holding an exhibition. A father told his two sons in detail about the whole exhibition and explained their questions such as why Jiang's regime persecutes Falun Gong. Many people signed our petition to condemn the persecution.

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People learning the truth

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People want to know more

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A father tells his children about the persecution in China

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Clarifying the truth

There were also many people who wanted to learn Falun Gong right away.

This anti-torture exhibition was held at the same place for 2 days. The overall effect was good. We found that whenever we talked more, people took it very seriously. Even though some of us don't speak English well, people can feel the energy of our compassion. We hope more fellow practitioners will join us in this project.