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Two Stories of People Who Treated Dafa Well Receiving Blessings

July 31, 2004 |  


Village Party Secretary Treats Falun Gong Practitioners Well; He and His Village Receive Blessings

There is a Falun Gong practitioner in a village in Hebei Province. After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, the village Party Secretary has tried his best to protect this practitioner. For the past several years, the police from the town police station had attempted many times to ransack this practitioner's home. Each time, the Party Secretary stopped them. The Secretary's behavior brought blessings to the village. Since 1999, this village has had a plentiful harvest every year, whereas other neighboring villages often have a bad harvest. Villagers in the neighboring villages say, "There're good people in that village, see how they have a plentiful harvest every year."

The Secretary's behavior also brought blessings to his own family. Only two officers from each village could be elected representatives to the People's Congress in the county in charge of this village. This Secretary was one of the representatives. According to government regulation, the county can help arrange a job for one child of the People's Congress representative. The Secretary's daughter was able to gain stable employment and good money from this job.

Doing a Good Deed for Dafa, a Man Survives a Car Crash without Severe Injury

By a practitioner in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province

One day in the winter of 2002, the cousin of one of my friends crashed his car on a roadside hill. His car rolled over and was almost totaled. There was a lot of blood in the car. People seeing the scene all thought the cousin must have been dead. However, the cousin only got some scratches on his body. The blood in the car was actually from his nose that was just slightly injured. My friend told me that his cousin benefited from Dafa. Before the persecution began, his cousin once emptied a conference room under his supervision so practitioners could practice the exercises inside. His cousin said, "I am very grateful to Falun Gong. It is Falun Dafa that gave me a second life."