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Summary of Other Articles and News - July 16, 2004

July 28, 2004 |  


People's Hearts Determine Their Futures

During the October 1, 2000 national five-day holiday, a female student from Dalian's University of Foreign Languages took a train from Dalian to Beijing. Before the passengers could board the train, an official in uniform held up a board with slanderous words against the founder of Falun Gong. He forced all passengers to read those words out loud before they were allowed to get on the train. This student didn't want to read those words, so she said something in a foreign language meaning she couldn't speak Chinese. After she returned to school, she said to her classmates, "That's too much! How can they force people to be verbally abusive! I can't believe they would do such a thing. They denigrate good things and praise bad things!"

A female Falun Gong practitioner in Huai'an County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province gave up Dafa practice due to pressure from Jiang's group on July 20, 1999. Soon after, she was diagnosed with a uterine tumor. She spent nearly 10,000 Yuan for surgery, which failed to cure her. When she was in a desperate situation, fellow practitioners encouraged her and she picked up Dafa practice in 2002. Her tumor miraculously disappeared without any additional medical intervention. From then on she used her own experience to clarify the truth and validate Dafa to fellow villagers.

Facts of the Persecution

At 5:00 a.m. on June 8, 2004, police officers in Rongcheng City broke into the homes of Dafa practitioners and abducted several of them. Dafa practitioners Wang Jianbo and Tang Shucai from Hejiazhuang Village, Datong Town were immediately sent to a brainwashing class.

Dafa practitioner Mr. Bi Guohua from Shidao Town was a retired former steel factory worker in his 60s. Because he refused to cooperate with the persecutors, the police beat him to death around 6:00 a.m. on June 4th.

Dafa practitioner Liu Baoyu from Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province was abducted in July 2003 and sent to Group 4, Division 3 of the No. 2 Female Brigade in the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. Because she refused to betray her belief in "Truth, Compassion and Tolerance", she was detained in an empty building for four months. During this period, collaborators [former Falun Gong practitioners who went astray after torture and brainwashing] bombarded her with slander and lies, and perpetrators Han Xiujie and Zhu Lanxiang beat her.

Forty-one-year-old Dafa practitioner Ms. Wei Liming from Dandong City, Liaoning Province was twice sent to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp, in 1999 and 2001. Because she persisted in her belief in Dafa and refused to cooperate with the perpetrators, she was forced to remain standing for long periods of time, not allowed to sleep, subjected to brainwashing, asked to write a guarantee statement and her sentence was extended.

Dafa practitioner Cheng Qiaoyun from Daqing City was unlawfully imprisoned for two years. Then she was abducted on May 27, 2004 and sent to a brainwashing class, and she was later sent to the Honggang District Detention Center in Daqing City. Cheng Qiaoyun held a hunger strike and was on the brink of death. She was sent to a hospital when she was unconscious. Police later took her away. Her current whereabouts are unknown.

Dafa practitioner Zheng Yingchun from Heilongjiang Province was sentenced to two years of forced labor in June 2002 and was sent to the Jiamusi City Forced Labor Camp. The guards brainwashed and tortured him with a form of "carrying a sword in the back" [one hand is pulled over the shoulder to the back, the other hand is twisted behind the back near the waistline. The hands are handcuffed together and a bottle or board is inserted between the arms and back, which tightens the handcuffs against the skin and causes bleeding. This torture causes intense pain]. As a result, Zheng Yingchun lost all functions in his left hand and could not work.

Practitioners Exchange Insights

Practitioners detained at the Yinmahe Forced Labor Camp in Jiutai are resisting the evil persecution with righteous thoughts. One day in June, perpetrator Zhang Bao read in a loud voice a book that slanders Dafa. Dafa practitioner Zhao Xishun stood up to denounce this action, prompting Zhang Bao to report this to the labor camp authorities. Instructors Guo Yiping and Zhou Kaiming shocked practitioner Zhao Xishun with electric batons, and in response Zhao Xishun shouted, "Dafa practitioners' righteous thoughts are powerful!" The electric batons didn't work at all and appeared as if they had run out of electricity. The guards were forced to give up the torture.