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A Husband and Wife Who Practice Falun Gong Explain the Facts of the Persecution to the Public As Authorities Parade them Through the Streets

July 26, 2004 |   By Li Min, a Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) In a small city in the border area of Northeast China lived a husband and wife who practiced Falun Gong. The authorities, following Jiang's directive to "ruin their [Falun Gong's] reputations," decided to punish the couple by using the cultural revolution style method of publicly parading them through the streets. The practitioners were both under 30 years old. The wife's name is Xie Qiang. From the beginning of their learning to practice Falun Gong, Ms. Xie and her husband did what Dafa practitioners should do, by studying the Fa [universal principle and law], disclosing the evil deeds done to practitioners, explaining the facts about the persecution to the public, and sending forth righteous thoughts.

One could often see displays of posters on city streets and suburban bridges, reading "Falun Dafa is good" or "Falun Dafa is righteous." Falun Gong truth-clarifying fliers were often seen everywhere overnight, which the local police investigated for a long time as a big important case without getting any results. Then the authorities offered a reward of 2,000 yuan (1) to anyone who reported the practitioners responsible for posting the truth clarification materials. One time when Ms. Xie was handing out fliers door to door in a building, a child saw her and reported her. The police arrested her and put her into a local detention center.

The Chinese New Year approached. One day the police tied Ms. Xie up and pushed her onto a prison truck, to parade her through the streets. Her husband was also tied up on the truck. When they met each other in the truck, they didn't say anything but gave each other understanding smiles.

The truck started and ran slowly through the main streets of the whole city. Seeing that passers-by expressed concern in their eyes, Ms. Xie thought: I have previously sent fliers door to door to explain the facts of the persecution, today I'd better explain the facts to them in person. She thus shouted, "Fellow villagers: we are Falun Dafa practitioners and are both good people. We are being persecuted! Falun Dafa is righteous! Be sure not to believe the deceptive propaganda." The police beat her, trying to stop her from speaking out loud; however she kept up her efforts to expose the police crimes without stopping.

Later, Xie Qiang and her husband were illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor.


  1. 500 Yuan is the average monthly salary of an urban worker in China