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My Experience Clarifying the Truth in Hong Kong

July 26, 2004 |   By an overseas Falun Dafa practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) Because of my convenient circumstances, I often go to Hong Kong to clarify the facts regarding the persecution of Falun Dafa. One time I came across a bus full of Chinese tourists who had ties to the public security bureau. I held up a poster revealing the facts of the persecution outside their window while most of people on the bus read it. However, one person turned completely red in the face and angrily refused to look at the board. Some even came out of the bus to talk to me and ask if these facts were true. I thus had the opportunity to show them several other posters and thoroughly clarified the truth on how Falun Gong practitioners have been persecuted and tortured in China over the last 5 years. I asked the tourists to carefully read the posters and when they finished I then asked them, "How can so many documented facts be fabricated?" The tourists continuously shook their heads in pity and said that it must be true. When they went back on the bus, I reminded them to urge their colleagues and friends who torture Falun Gong practitioners to stop hurting kind people. They all nodded in agreement.

Once when a fellow practitioner was distributing flyers to tourists, some of them did not know the contents of the materials and due to their fear wanted to throw them away after noticing the words Falun Gong on the front page. I was standing nearby and upon seeing their reaction, I focused my righteous thoughts and said firmly in my heart, "You must not throw it away. Pick it back up and take it home to read." Just like that, one individual indeed reached into the trashcan, picked up the flyer, and put it in his pocket. From then on, whenever someone accepts a flyer, I send forth righteous thoughts for him or her to take it home and share it with others.

Once when a tourist got on the bus and saw the poster in my hands, his expression hardened and he began scolding me. In my heart I focused my righteous thoughts thinking, "Read this!" He immediately turned his head and looked straight at the poster until the bus drove away.

At another tourist site, while many groups of tourists were waiting for the bus, practitioners approached them to clarify the facts. Seeing me walking nearby, one of the tour guides tried to wave me off with his hand and keep me from speaking to his group. Not wanting to make any conflict, I accepted his choice and did not speak to his group. Then I thought of Teacher's words in "Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference,"

"...with resolute righteous thoughts and rationality, and they are not afraid of hardship. Everything of the Dafa disciples' futures is born of your doing the three things, especially clarifying the truth."

The tourists in front of me were are all sentient beings waiting to be saved. It could not be coincidental that I should run into them, and I must clarify the facts with compassion. Keeping this in mind, I moved to one side to send forth righteous thoughts. After a few minutes I approached the group again. I greeted their guide politely and began explaining the facts of the persecution to that group of Chinese people. The guide also listened quietly at the side. Teacher said,

"As you clarify the truth, the words you speak and the energy you emit have the effect of intimidating and eliminating the evil. You are crucial in determining whether the beings in this world stay or get eliminated. If your words are pure and righteous they will really go right into the innermost part of people's thoughts, and instantly make people understand." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference")

Sometimes we ran into very sympathetic tour guides. While their tour group was waiting for the bus, these tour guides would lead the tourists to the side of the road for us to better clarify the facts to them. After we finished talking, one female tour guide told her group that Falun Dafa is good and then led the group to get the bus. We could see her kind intentions because the bus was actually already there. There were also tour guides that assisted us in clarifying the truth. For instance, when I said, "You are able to learn the facts of Falun Gong and the persecution in Hong Kong and everywhere around the world. You should cherish this opportunity, for the truth is unattainable in China. Take these materials home with you." The guide would add by saying, "You will not be able to see this in China!" The tourists immediately accepted the materials. From these examples we realized that it is very crucial to clarify the facts to tour guides as well.

One time at a tourist site, there were only a few practitioners, and everyone was busy passing out flyers and holding up posters. The evil in other dimensions was particularly restless that day which manifested in practitioners not finding time to send forth righteous thoughts. As a result, the tourists were extremely indifferent to our words and refused to take the flyers or look at the posters. Later Hong Kong practitioners reminded us that we did not send forth righteous thoughts beforehand. The next day, two practitioners went there just to send forth righteous thoughts and many tourists, out of their own initiative, stopped to look and learn about the facts of Falun Gong.

During my stay in Hong Kong, I deeply felt that distributing flyers, holding up posters and sending forth righteous thoughts at tourist sites was an important means to clarify the facts. We are validating the Fa [universal law and principle] as one body no matter where we clarify the truth. Everyday I dress neatly, put on appropriate makeup, and greet the precious Chinese people with a bright smile. As practitioners, we should act as Teacher wrote, to be

"full of great aspirations while minding minor details." (Essentials for Further Advancement)

The image that Falun Dafa practitioners give to the world's people is also the image they have of Falun Dafa. In the end, let us use Teacher's words in "Teaching the Fa on Easter, 2004, at the New York Fa Conference" to encourage each other,

"You need to make your path of validating the Fa a straight and upright one. Every single step, every single thing, including a Dafa disciple's words and actions, and your conduct in every respect out in society must be upright." "...for you today are part of Fa-rectification. You need to treasure it--you have to treasure the path you've walked. Only when you treasure the steps you've taken can you do well on the path ahead. Not much of the journey is left. Do even better on your path and do things even more righteously."

The above is my personal understanding. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.

June 26, 2004