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Doing Math with a Policeman

July 24, 2004 |   By a Dafa practitioner from Mainland China

(Clearwisdom.net) One afternoon in the beginning of June, a local policeman wanted to come visit my home. My wife (a fellow Falun Dafa practitioner) did not want to let him in. While I was sending forth righteous thoughts towards the local policeman, I motioned to my wife that she should let him in.

The local policeman was a middle-aged man. After he came in, he looked very awkward and embarrassed. I walked up to him and asked him to sit down. The atmosphere immediately became harmonious. My wife started to tell him about the truth of the "Tiananmen Self-Immolation." She told him that Dafa has spread to over 60 countries worldwide, and that Jiang's acts of genocide and cruel torture have been reprimanded in other countries. He listened very patiently and nodded, sometimes smiling.

I said, "The ones who directly suffer from the persecution are our practitioners, but that which indirectly suffers from the persecution is the entire nation, and even the entire world. There were an estimated 70 million practitioners in China around July 20, 1999. Then, Jiang, with his power, turned this enormous number of practitioners into a target of repression, and a target of persecution. For every practitioner there are husbands and wives, sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, and brothers and sisters. That is a lot of people. There are also their relatives and friends. If you try to add it all up, the number of people is uncountable. There is a saying, 'Those who have the people's support will obtain all, and those who lose the people's support will lose everything.' That is a well-known phrase. Jiang may say that he represents this or that, but actually he represents only himself by abusing the reputation of the country and its people." The policeman nodded. I continued, "Another figure worth noting is that since the start of the persecution of Falun Gong, Jiang's regime has used up one-fourth of the entire country's economy." The policeman appeared to be surprised.

I went on to say, "The persecution that you have seen has mainly happened in our country, but a huge amount of money is also used overseas. Since Dafa practitioners are present in over 60 countries, Jiang and his followers have sent spies to those countries in order to harass Falun Gong practitioners. These spies are taking the hard-earned money of the Chinese people and using it freely. Jiang's regime does not care for anything except for spending money for its own benefit. Think about it, how much money has been spent." The policeman nodded, showing that he agreed.

I then asked him again, "Since Jiang's regime has started persecuting Falun Gong, look at how much the police force has increased." He thought a while and responded, "The police force consists of two parts: the policemen and police assistants, and together, they have more than doubled in size." I replied, "You can count further; if Jiang had instead used the funds for persecuting Falun Gong on developing the Chinese economy, on building cities, and on helping to find projects for those people who were laid off of work, wouldn't that have been great? Also, in order to repress Falun Gong, so many prisons and labor camps have been built, but if all that effort was spent on increasing economic production instead, wouldn't that have been a good idea?

"What's even more frightening is their relentless propaganda that makes people's morals perish, and corrupts the nation's image. These are unredeemable and they are debts that cannot even be calculated."

The policeman responded with, "Yes, yes."

Then the policeman said, "My visit today here was very worthwhile, it was better than ten years' worth of reading books. You had better take care of yourself. Right now, there is severe surveillance of you practitioners. If even one flyer is found, they will search you to death. You would be sent to a labor camp at the least, or you might even be sentenced severely."

I asked him, "How would you deal with these kinds of things?"

He said, "If I find any flyers, I will quietly put them away and would not report it to any higher authorities. My heart cannot bear it if those good people are locked in cages."

I said, "If you are kind to Dafa and protect Dafa practitioners, it is certain that you will receive good rewards."

He replied, "I understand, I understand. I will continue to do my best."

When he was about to leave, he warmly reached out his hand and asked to shake my hand. I took his hands and said, "If you can also ask your friends in the local police force with you to join you, to be kind to Dafa, and protect Dafa practitioners, they will also receive good fortune. Good is repaid with good, and evil with evil. That is a heavenly principle.

He repeatedly said, "I will, I will."

In the end, I clasped his hand and said, "There are quite a few policemen who have attained the Fa (1) and started practicing, you..."

He waved to me and said, "I believe that I will do so myself, goodbye!"

July 6, 2004

(1) Fa: Law and principles; the teachings of Falun Dafa.