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Practitioner from Hubei Province Talks About the Importance of the Minghui Website

July 22, 2004 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently, because of the Minghui website, practitioners from the Wuxue Region of Hubei Province were able to expose specific persecution cases of Falun Dafa practitioners to local residents. Additionally, phone calls and mail from overseas practitioners have frightened the evildoers. As a result, a number of jailed practitioners were successfully rescued. We were able to use the opportunity to clarify the truth in an in-depth manner. The following are some of the success stories.

1. On June 8, 2004, Mr. Liao Yuanhua, former Party Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of the Bureau of Agriculture of Wuxue City, was released after being on hunger strike for eight months.

Mr. Liao Yuanhua was sentenced to four years at the Hubei Province Shayang Fanjiatai Forced Labor Camp after he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. He insisted that he is not a criminal and that he is a Falun Gong practitioner. He has been subjected to prolonged force-feeding and been burnt with hot bricks. His ears were hit until they became deformed. A bottle full of hot pepper was inserted into his anus, sharp bamboo sticks were pushed into his flesh, and he was hung by his manacles, etc.

The Minghui website has repeatedly exposed the evildoers' acts, the culprits' names, phone numbers, and the fact that Mr. Liao was sent to the local "610 Office" (1) for brainwashing. Those responsible became scared. After the management at his place of employment became clearheaded and refused to pay the brainwashing fee, Mr. Liao was released, one day before his term was over. With the merciful support of Master Li and his fellow practitioners' righteous thoughts, he arrived home safely. Mr. Liao has now returned to Fa-rectification activities.

2. After Ms. Chen Guozhen was abducted and taken to the Hubei Province Brainwashing Center, articles exposing the incident, downloaded from the Minghui website, were posted around the city. Practitioners from around the world have formed one body, and with phone calls from around the world to the evildoers, Ms. Chen Guozhen was released 27 days later.

3. Zhu Jianxun, an ex-serviceman and a retired employee of the Agricultural Equipment Company of Wuxe City, had his pension suspended because he practiced Falun Dafa. On May 18, the Minghui website exposed the incident. On June 13, the local "610 Office" officials authorized Lu Xiniu, Bureau Head of the Agricultural Equipment Company, to ask Mr. Zhu's wife, Ms. Hu, to pick up their living allowances for the month. They also paid back what Mr. Zhu was owed from the previous two months. Zhu's environment has improved and this has facilitated his participation in doing the three things Teacher has asked of practitioners: study the Fa, clarify the truth and send forth righteous thoughts.

4. A young practitioner from Wuxue City, Ms. Guo Pingzhen, went to Changsha City, Hunan Province to do labor. She was distributing truth-clarifying materials on a bus in Changsha City, Hunan Province when someone reported her to the police. She was abducted and jailed. She went on a hunger strike for 40 days. During her stay in detention, the Minghui website exposed her plight, and local practitioners sent righteous thoughts. Some practitioners visited local authorities, including the municipal party committee, the "610 Office," the public security bureau, and the police station to clarify the truth. Ms. Guo was released unconditionally and returned to Wuxue City.


(1) "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

July 5, 2004