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A Witness Steps Forward: "She Was Tied to a Chair and Beaten for 24 Hours!"

July 19, 2004 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Mrs. Wu Jingfang was born in 1953, and was from Zhainei Village, Quxi Town, Jiedong County, Guangdong Province. Since May 1997 she had practiced Falun Dafa. In July 1997, Jiang's regime started to persecute Falun Gong and its practitioners. Mrs. Wu Jingfang was arrested and detained many times because she would not give up her cultivation. She was brutally tortured to death in April 2002 (See related report: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/8/26/25799.html).

Before practicing Falun Dafa, Mrs. Wu suffered from many kinds of diseases, such as dizziness, kidney stones, and especially heart disease. When she felt dizzy, she felt like the sky and earth were spinning around, even when she would lie down. She often had pains in her lower abdomen and back. Although she had surgery for the kidney stones, she still could not sit for an extended time. At that time, she was over forty years old and had a very wrinkled face. She was also depressed and could not do any housework. She started to practice Falun Dafa when it spread into her village. Soon after, she became healthy, vigorous and had a ruddy complexion. Her neighbors, relatives and friends saw the change and many people joined the cultivation group.

After Falun Gong was banned in July 1999, the local police station and public security personnel often harassed Mrs. Wang's at her home. Just before July 20, 2000, she was illegally detained for half a month and fined several thousand yuan, because she practiced Dafa. Before the Chinese New Year of 2001, the police went everywhere to arrest and detain practitioners again. At about 1 am on January 21, 2001, Mrs. Wu was taken to Quxi Town for detention, because she insisted on living her life by Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance. Because of this, she was detained at the Jiedong Detention Center for eight months. Though she was brutally beaten and tortured in the detention center, Mrs. Wu still clarified the truth to the guards with a heart of great compassion and tolerance. She told them, among other things, that she benefited in both body and mind from practicing Falun Gong.

After being detained for eight months, Mrs. Wu was sent to the brainwashing center at the Meiyun Drug Rehabilitation Center for further persecution. She went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Twenty days later, the police saw that she was dying and released her. However, a few days later, the police could see that she was gradually improving and returned her again to the brainwashing center. One night, she and other practitioners climbed over the wall, walked out of the prison and became destitute and homeless in order to avoid being illegally arrested.

On the night of March 31, 2002, Mrs. Wu and several other practitioners were arrested in a rented house in a certain village in Dongshan District. At around 5 pm on April 10, instructor Yang Lieqiang of the Quxi Town Police Station tried to find her younger brother. They did not tell her family that she had already died until her brother came at 7 pm that evening. The police said Mrs. Wu died at around 11 am that morning and that her body had been sent to a crematorium. This struck her family like a lightning bolt. When they went to the crematorium and saw her, her eyes were still open and her entire body was black and blue. There was no trace of blood, but the toenails of one foot were falling off. They did not insist on a clear determination of death and went home after the police gave them a false story.

The police claimed that she went on a hunger strike, was sent to the Dongshan District Hospital and died after emergency treatment failed. The time of death was 11 am on the morning of April 10. The police believed that the incident would fade away by fabricating this story and having her body immediately cremated. However, personnel at the crematorium saw that the condition of Mrs. Wu's body did not look like a normal death. They insisted that they could not cremate the body until her family signed an autopsy authorization. After the police coaxed her husband to sign, the crematorium performed the autopsy on the body that night. The following morning, the body was cremated. Four or five days later, the police informed her husband that the autopsy concluded that his wife had pathological changes in many organs, including the heart, liver and kidneys, so she died of illness. If she was sick, why wasn't she sent to the hospital for emergency treatment? How could they explain the black and blue bruises all over her body and the loose toenails?

Several months later, an insider at the No.2 Detention Center secretly asked someone to give the family a message: Mrs. Wu Jingfang was sent to the No.2 Detention Center after she was tied to a chair and brutally beaten for 24 hours by the policemen at the police station in Dongshan District. At that time, she was already at death's door and could not take care of herself. It was another prisoner who took care of her for a few days. Mrs. Wu said intermittently: "They are too ruthless!" She was not sent to the Dongshan Hospital until death was upon her.

Mrs. Wu Jingfang had an aged mother-in-law, parents and teenage children who are attending school. Just because she lived by Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance, the so-called "people's police" deprived her of life at a young age. Her mother wept and said, "She was tortured so brutally, just because she was a good person. They also tried to cover up how she died. What kind of justice is this?"

Mrs. Wu Jingfang died as the result of a grievous crime. The police of the Dongshan District Police Station violently beat her to the point of death, and the personnel of the city's No.2 Detention Center neglected their duties and did not send her to the hospital for treatment in a timely fashion. The police at the City "610 Office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems] and the Public Security Department covered up and denied the facts, brought forth a false witness, and deceived the public. These people are charged with enforcing the law, but are violating the law themselves. All of them bear legal responsibility for her death.