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Some Thoughts to Share with Fellow Practitioners Who Write Articles

July 19, 2004 |   By Dafa disciples in China


Writing articles to clarify the truth is an important component of the Fa-rectification. Every Fa-rectification article that has carefully selected contents is pertinent, has focused points, can fully manifest Dafa's grand mercy and dignity, and has an effect on clarifying the truth, saving human beings, and frightening and eliminating the evil. It is clear how important the responsibility is and how huge the impact can be.

Here I do not want to discuss with fellow practitioners details of how to write an article. Instead, I want to communicate on the practical components that are embedded in the task of clarifying the truth through writing articles. This also contains elements that help us to improve ourselves as cultivators.

In fact, writing an article is not fundamentally different from other kinds of truth-clarification work. All are important for clarifying the truth. An article only has a different presentation form and thus looks a little special. So it certainly contains cultivation elements in it.

Many fellow practitioners who have written articles have the same feeling: some articles were truly difficult to finish, requiring overcoming one hardship after another (Because the writing process is the process of validating the Fa and who knows how many evil ghosts and old forces' dark minions have interfered during that period). It has been thought over and over and so much effort has been made. After it is finally done, one feels like it was quite satisfactory and perfect.

Perhaps it is very hard to achieve and one feels that he/she has already considered everything thoroughly based on being responsible towards the Fa. A problem hence arises from this. One can barely allow other people to touch, or edit, one's finished article, and gets very angry if someone says it needs to be modified. I realized that this became a striking issue among fellow practitioners who write articles.

The author has experience in regards to this. Sometimes I felt that my article, on which I spent lots of time and effort or which I wrote under good conditions, was very well done. Superficially, I still passed it to fellow practitioners for advice or improvement, but in fact, deep in my heart I had already made a decision: it is good enough and no changes are needed. When the article came back to me, to my surprise there were many places where some things were modified. My human attachment that should be removed then got touched.

However, when I calmed down and seriously thought about the fellow practitioner's opinions based on being responsible for the whole thing, I had this feeling: the modifications made by that practitioner are really good! Why did I not notice or think about this before? Sometimes I even got shocked and scared by realizing that I was not kind enough and wise enough the first time. Luckily that practitioner pointed it out in time to me. Later on when fellow practitioners raised different opinions or suggestions for a change, I would consider them carefully since I know nothing happens by accident. When we truly think about what we are doing at the level of being responsible for the Fa, we will not be influenced by factors such as selfishness and arrogance.

Teacher has asked us to look inward whenever we encounter a problem. We realize this covers all aspects of our Fa-rectification cultivation. Looking inside will enable us to be modest in front of our fellow practitioners. Searching for problems within ourselves will keep our minds clear and sharp. Looking inside can help us to keep the grand compassion and forbearance all the time.

In addition, talking from the level of human beings, no matter how capable and how experienced a person is, his capability is always limited. From a broader angle, the wisdom and capability of a cultivator is so minimal that it does not even worth mentioning when comparing it with the endless universal principle (Dafa). Master said, "... the Fa-power is a reflection of the one body." ("Do Not Differentiate Between Fa-Rectification Projects; "A Great Way Has No Form" But Exists As a Whole *With Master's Comment*")

How much power an article can have is not determined by the words used in the article, it is determined by the meaning implied behind the sentences. An article contains our information when we finish it. If it is further improved by fellow practitioners based on the Fa, then aren't more good things added to the article? We are all particles of Dafa; won't we be even more powerful if we all harmonize together?