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From Practicing Falun Dafa, I am Free of Leukemia and Glowing with Good Health

July 13, 2004 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I live in Huancui District, Weihai City, Shandong Province and am 27 years old. In January 2004 I suddenly fell ill. After a checkup with a doctor, I was diagnosed with leukemia, which is an incurable disease. My whole family was shocked and went into despair.

Not daring to believe the doctor's diagnosis, some relatives and friends gathered some money together to send me to the 301 Hospital, a first-class hospital in Beijing, for another checkup. The diagnosis there was almost the same as in Weihai, so they gave me chemotherapy. Just thinking about the discomfort I went through then makes me fearful. After the chemotherapy treatment, I developed a high fever that would not return to normal, causing a lot of bad reactions, such as pneumonia, headaches, and bleeding from my ears and nose. I was treated from morning until 10:00 p.m., but still my high fever did not recede. My mother was so anxious that she wanted to throw herself from a building. I also felt awful and thought that I just could not go on like this. My expenses came to nearly 2,000 Yuan every day [500 Yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China]. My family members are all farmers. How could they afford such high expenses? Against my will I stayed in the hospital for one month before returning to Weihai.

When I returned home I was very weak, and my face was a sickly yellow color. Amidst my despair, a relative said to me, "Please just practice Falun Gong. Perhaps only Falun Gong can rescue you." Thus I came to learn Falun Gong. Every day, I carefully read the book and practiced the exercises. Within one month, a miracle occurred. I felt that my body was not so weak and my face was rosy. I was also able to go downstairs and carried a natural gas tank upstairs. My mother also came and joined me in practicing the exercises. Her neck had been hunched for over fifty years, but not long after she started practicing, it was corrected miraculously!

The hospital said I would die. Now I need no pills or injections, and I am glowing with health and full of energy. All this is because of the invincible might of Dafa. The great Teacher has saved me from the hands of death. Thereby, I respectfully ask kind-hearted people to think this over with a calm mind. Do not be deceived by the lies from the television and newspapers. Be sure to not be deceived by them, understand the truth, and firmly remember that Falun Dafa is good. Then in the future, you will surely obtain happiness.