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Latest News from China -- June 28, 2004

July 13, 2004 |  


  1. [Feicheng City, Shandong Province] Dafa Practitioners Yang Jun and Wu Xiulian Arrested for Distributing Truth-Clarifying Materials
  2. [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Practitioners and Brothers Zhao Ming and Zhao Liang Arrested Recently
  3. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Three Dafa Practitioners Severely Abused in Jiamusi City's Detention Center
  4. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Persecution Accounts of Some Practitioners Held at Jiamusi City's Detention Center
  5. [Linquan County, Anhui Province] Arrest of Two Practitioners for Posting Dafa Truth-Clarifying Materials
  6. [Leshan City, Sichuan Province] With the Power of Righteous Thoughts Practitioner Su Chunxiu Resists Police Harassment
  7. [Linyi City, Shandong Province] Arrest of Several Practitioners
  8. [Huanggang City, Hubei Province] Dafa Practitioner Zheng Hong Held Past Term
  9. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Some Officials in the Hongtoushan Mine Attempt to Send Dafa Practitioner Yang Xuejun to a Brainwashing Class Again
  10. [Qingyuan County, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioner Yu Shiquan Who Works in the Hongtoushan Mine Is Arrested Again
  11. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Arrest of Dafa Practitioner Niu Zhaoqin from Qingyuan County

1. [Feicheng City, Shandong Province] Dafa Practitioners Yang Jun and Wu Xiulian Arrested for Distributing Truth-Clarifying Materials

On June 25, 2004, someone reported practitioners Yang Jun and Wu Xiulian from Feicheng City to police while they were distributing truth-clarifying materials. Officers from the Wenyang Police Department arrested them that same day. The practitioners have now been taken back to Feicheng City's Police Department and are being held at the Taohuayuan Police Precinct and Longshan Police Precinct, respectively. Police here have been persecuting Dafa practitioners severely and made Feicheng City the most severely persecuted area in the Tai'an District.

2. [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Practitioners and Brothers Zhao Ming and Zhao Liang Arrested Recently

Recently, police arrested 26-year-old practitioner Mr. Zhao Liang and his older brother Mr. Zhao Ming from Anchangxian Village, Nuanchitang Town, Nanpiao District, Huludao City. The details need to be investigated.

Zhao Liang's family has been suffering severe persecution for the past several years. Six Dafa practitioners from the family have been detained 55 times altogether. Zhao Liang and Zhao Ming had each gone through one year of forced labor. Their terms were extended for five months and two months, respectively. Their parents went through two years of forced labor. Zhao Ming's wife Yang Hongxia was arrested from home on April 23, 2003 and was released when her life was in danger after staging a hunger strike. Shortly after she got home, she was again arrested on August 12, 2003 and sentenced to three years of forced labor at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. Her 10-year-old daughter Zhao Lixue is now left at home alone.

Zhao Liang was released from the Huludao Forced Labor Camp on November 27, 2001. He was later arrested twice, but managed to walk away from danger on both occasions. After he got home, Zhao Ming was again arrested on August 27, 2001 and later escaped with the power of his righteous thoughts.

Police confiscated belongings and extorted money from this family over the years. Now there is nothing left at home. Because of police harassment, all the family members went to live in exile after being released when their terms were over.

3. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Three Dafa Practitioners Severely Abused in Jiamusi City's Detention Center

Practitioners Xu Chenghua, Xiao Yu and Wang Yufang from Jiamusi City are currently being held at Jiamusi City's Detention Center, where the persecution has been escalating. Their physical conditions are very poor. Wang Yufang has been tortured so badly that she cannot take care of herself currently. She is so weak that she has to wear cotton-padded clothes in the summer. Xu Chenghua is staging a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention.

Telephone numbers of Jiamusi City's Detention Center:

(Country code: 86, area code: 454)

Director's Office: 8788675
Deputy Director's Office: 8782461

4. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Persecution Accounts of Some Practitioners Held at Jiamusi City's Detention Center

In Jiamusi City's Detention Center, policewomen Li Xiujin and Wang Xiurong beat Dafa practitioners Ms. Wang Dongxia, Ms. Zhang Lingde, and Ms. Yan Xihua for reading Teacher's articles and extended their detention terms.

On June 14, 2004, Wang Xiurong, leader of the No. 8 Team and policewomen Yu Guili, Xu Jiao and others searched practitioners' bodies, bags and beds, claiming a Dafa-slandering VCD was missing. It was later found under practitioner Ms. Wang Yuhong's bed. Wang Xiurong suddenly became furious. She picked Wang Yuhong up and beat her badly. Ms. Wang Yuhong was handcuffed continuously for 18 days in March, which resulted in a handicapped hand. She was rendered unable to take care of herself. Policewoman Jiang Jianan verbally abused those practitioners who refused to watch Dafa-slandering TV programs.

Telephone numbers of Jiamusi City's Detention Center:

(Country code: 86, area code: 454)

Jiang Zuoqi, director of Jiamusi City's Detention Center: 8891958 and 8247690
Fu Maosen, director of the Political Committee: 8891890

5. [Linquan County, Anhui Province] Arrest of Two Practitioners for Posting Dafa Truth-Clarifying Materials

On May 21, 2004, the Oumiao Fair was held in Fuyang County. At around 12:00 a.m. on that day, someone reported three practitioners from Linquan County to the police when they were posting truth-clarifying information. Officers from the Mazhai Police Precinct then arrested practitioner Chen Weiqing and Zhao Yunliang. That same night, someone from Fuyang County's Police Department came and took Chen Weiqing and Zhao Yunliang away. So far their whereabouts remain unknown.

Policemen ran after another practitioner. He fell down three times, but he still got up and kept running. Police chased him onto a bridge, but he finally escaped by jumping into the water.

The next day, police came and searched the home of practitioner Zhao Yunbin. No one was at home except their child. Policemen climbed over the wall and broke in. The child was frightened and hid in a small room. One of the policemen climbed onto the roof and walked back and forth. The police turned the house upside down for almost fifty minutes and then left. Afterwards, police went to harass practitioners Chen Weiqing's and Zhao Yunliang's families, but they didn't get anything. Several days later, police went to harass Zhao Yunbin's family again.

6. [Leshan City, Sichuan Province] With the Power of Righteous Thoughts Practitioner Su Chunxiu Resists Police Harassment

At around 9:00 p.m. on May 20, 2004, several policemen, including Wu Wei from the No. 1 Section of the Central District Police Department of Leshan City, arrived at a practitioner's home. They knocked on practitioner Ms. Su Chunxiu's door and lied, saying that they came to repair a natural gas pipeline. Once they got inside, they confiscated Dafa books and truth-clarifying materials. The same night, Su Chunxiu was arrested and put into the Shawan District Jail in Leshan City. The next morning, Su Chunxiu clarified the truth to prisoners and shouted out, "Falun Dafa is great." Policeman He beat Su Chunxiu with batons. Su Chunxiu went on a hunger strike to protest and requested to have her Dafa books returned. Police had no choice but to release her on June 5.

7. [Linyi City, Shandong Province] Arrest of Several Practitioners

On around June 10, 2004, practitioner Liu Yongjin (pseudonym Wenjian) from Linyi City, Shandong Province was arrested.

On around June 13, 2004, Dafa Practitioner Mr. Qian Fajun, Mr. Deng Liangcun, Ms. Duan Jiazhi from Linyi City and Ms. Wang from Yinan were arrested. The arrest might have happened because Duan Jiazhi was followed when distributing truth-clarifying materials during the daytime. In addition, two female practitioners from Dongguan in Linyi City were arrested when they were distributing truth-clarifying materials in the square in early morning.

It is known now that Liu Yongjin is held in Linyi City's Detention Center and was attacked and tortured by Wang Mingguang and Duan Haoyu. Liu was not allowed to sleep for over ten consecutive days. Liu Yonggin has been on a hunger strike for over ten days to protest the vicious persecution. Duan Jiazhi was sent to Jinan City's Forced Labor Camp. Information about other arrested practitioners is under investigation.

8. [Huanggang City, Hubei Province] Dafa Practitioner Zheng Hong Held Past Term

After March 11, 2004, many Dafa practitioners attended the funeral ceremony for practitioner Zheng Zhong, who was tortured to death by the police for practicing Falun Gong. Under pressure from the Ministry of Public Security and Hubei Province's Police Department, police officers from Huanggang City kept following, investigating and arresting practitioners. Zheng Zhong's son Zheng Hong became the target of persecution because he delivered a commemorative speech at the funeral.

In the morning of May 20, 2004, Zheng Hong stepped out of his building. Policemen Chen Shuming and Xia Qiaorong, who had been waiting there for several days, together with four or five plainclothes police who pretended to play chess in the entrance of the compound, arrested him Zheng Hong. Zheng Hong was held and tortured in the Huangzhou No.1 Detention Center. He has been held now for 38 days, well past the allowed period for detainment.

Related phone numbers:

Huanggang City's Detention Center: 86-713-8385750

Huanggang City's Police Department: 86-713-8353291

9. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Some Officials in the Hongtoushan Mine Attempt to Send Dafa Practitioner Yang Xuejun to a Brainwashing Class Again

On May 10, 2004, Gen Huiwen, head of the Administrative Department in Fushun City's Hongtoushan Mine, Yu Wenqiang, associate head and Wu Zhenbao, head of the Smelting Workshop in the Smelting Factory took away Dafa practitioner Yang Xuejun. Yang Xuejun, however, didn't cooperate with them and escaped from the Luotai Resort Brainwashing Class with the power of righteous thoughts.

Currently, some officials from the Hongtoushan Mine intend to entrap Yang Xuejun to come back to the brainwashing class by exerting pressure on Yang Xuejun's wife and threatening to fire her.

Responsible officials:

Geng Huiwen: 86-1394231957(Cell), 86-413-3368304 (Home)
Yu Wenqiang: 86-1389833976(Cell), 86-413-3368230(Home)
Wu Zhenbao: 86-13604137203(Cell)

10. [Qingyuan County, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioner Yu Shiquan Who Works in the Hongtoushan Mine Is Arrested Again

At about 5:00 p.m. on May 19, 2004 when practitioner Yu Shiquan was driving a taxi, a plainclothes officer from the Hongtoushan Police Precinct arrested him. At about 6:00 p.m., four policemen searched Yu Shiquan's house and confiscated Dafa books and truth-clarifying materials. That same night they sent Yu Shiquan to Fushun City's National Security Team.

When Yushiquan was detained at the National Security Team, a policeman shouted at him, "In your district, we broke Zhang Huamei's leg and I myself tortured Wang Youcai! How come you won't give up?" Yu Shiquan was steadfast in his belief of Dafa. With the power of his righteous thoughts, he managed to escape 13 days later.

On June 9 when Yu Shiquan and his brother went to the Hongtoushan Police Precinct to ask for his driver's license, he was handcuffed on spot and sent to Fushun City. Currently, his whereabouts are unknown.

11. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Arrest of Dafa Practitioner Niu Zhaoqin from Qingyuan County

On one day in October 2000, when Dafa practitioner Niu Zhaoqin from Qingyuan County, Fushun City, Liaoning Province, was distributing truth-clarifying materials, Zhang Jiren, the former Propaganda Section chief from the Qingyuan County government, reported Niu to the police. Later, officers from Qingyuan County's Police Department unlawfully arrested and detained Niu at the Dashagou Detention Center for 83 days. Niu experienced a relapse of his old illnesses while in detention. His eyes were too painful to endure the discomfort. For four days and four nights he couldn't eat or sleep. His health was extremely poor, but the policemen ignored his plight.

Dafa practitioner Ms. Huang Hemei asked to have Niu unconditionally released, but policeman Wang shocked her with an electric baton for half an hour in response. Wang Zhonglian, the former associate Party secretary for Qingyuan City and the current head of the People's Congress, requested that Niu sent to a forced labor camp instead of being hospitalized.