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Those Who Persecute Dafa Incur Karmic Retribution

July 01, 2004 |   By a practitioner in China


Editors' Note: Each time we publish news of this nature, we do so with heavy hearts. These people started off as public servants, but under the intense pressure applied by the Jiang regime, they were pushed into persecuting Dafa disciples. In the process of destroying the lives of kind, law-abiding citizens, they have sealed their own fates and inevitably faced karmic retribution as punishment. If it weren't for Jiang's wicked orders, perhaps their fates would have been different.

Former Party Secretary of Xiawa Township, Sheqi County, Henan Province Dies in a Car Accident

Wang Huaipo was the former Party Secretary of Xiawa Township, in Qixia County, Henan Province. When he acted as governor of Haozai Township, he often assigned people to monitor Falun Dafa practitioners. He led police to abduct practitioners and extort their money. Scores of Falun Gong practitioners in Haozai Township have suffered from persecution. However, the guilty can never escape Heaven's justice. On January 28, 2004, Wang and three others were coming back from Zhengzhou City in a van. They were driving to Fangcheng District when they were involved in an auto accident. Forty-two year old Wang Huaipo, who was sitting in the middle row, died on the spot while the two people sitting in the front and back rows were not injured.

The Family of the Perpetrator in Charge of Persecuting Falun Gong in Jingxia Company, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province Receives Karmic Retribution One After Another

Wu Chang'an is the main perpetrator in charge of persecuting Falun Gong in Jingxia Company, Daqing City. His son and daughter-in-law had a car accident. His son incurred compound fractures to his arms, legs and lower back while his daughter-in-law died on the spot. Later, his wife died of cancer. He is suffering from various illnesses.

Karmic Retribution for People Committing Evil Deeds in Taipingzhuang Township, Jianping County

Kong Xingcheng, former Secretary General of the Politics & Law Committee of Jianping County, has participated in the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners many times. Once, he was unable to use chopsticks for over a month after slapping a practitioner on the face.

Qu Guosheng from Baishan Township, Jianping County works in Taipingzhuang Police Substation of Jianping County. After July 1999, he often participated in persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners and slandered Falun Dafa. One day in January 2000, his motorcycle crashed into another motorcycle while he was on his way back home. Qu injured his eyes, nose, ears and mouth in the collision. Although he spent tens of thousands of yuan (1) on medical expenses, one of his eyes is blind and his mind is disoriented. At present, his speech is hard to understand. However, the other motorcycle rider was unharmed.

(1) Yuan is the unit of currency in China, where the average monthly salary of an urban worker is 500 Yuan.