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Latest News from China -- June 16, 2004

July 01, 2004 |  


  1. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Dafa Practitioner Ma Bing and Li Yanzhi Arrested
  2. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Gongyi City's Police Department Personnel Arrest Dafa Practitioner Xing Fusheng
  3. [Qi County, Henan Province] Arrest and Savage Beating of Five Practitioners, Including Zuo Hongqin and Zuo Xiankang
  4. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Arrest of Practitioner Couple Yin Juncai
  5. [Wuji County, Hebei Province] Persecution of Practitioner Couple Geng Jicai and Wang Minxue
  6. [Chongqing City] Holding of Practitioner Peng Xiaomei in a Brainwashing Center
  7. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Dafa Practitioner Li Huiyun Is Still Being Detained at a Brainwashing Class and Enduring Mental Torture
  8. [Sanhe City, Hebei Province] Illegal Detention of Secondary School Teacher Guo Song for Studying Dafa
  9. [Macheng City, Hubei Province] Detention of Dafa Practitioner Zhou Xiancheng for Distributing Dafa Truth-clarifying Video Discs
  10. [Hebei Province] Dafa Practitioner Liang Yuhua Is Detained at the Xuanhua City Detention Center for Clarifying the Truth of Falun Gong

1. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Dafa Practitioner Ma Bing and Li Yanzhi Arrested

Practitioner Ms. Ma Bing, 35, a university graduate, lives in the Ranghu Road District and was an employee of Daqing City's Fine Chemical Factory. She suffered from incurable diarrhea and stomach pain for years until she started to practice Dafa in the spring of 1999. Her persistent ailments disappeared before long, she became very healthy, and in over five years she hasn't taken a single pill.

On September 9, 2003, while Ma Bing was at work, her superior duped her into going to the manager's office, with the excuse of having a meeting, and forcibly took her away. Ma Bing was later transferred to Daqing City's Hongweixing Brainwashing Facility (dedicated solely to the torture of Dafa practitioners) and authorities attempted to force her into renouncing her belief. After this traumatic experience, Ma Bing had a stomachache, and her abdomen was bloated for a period of time. In April 2004, she was diagnosed with late stage ovarian cancer. Her parents and relatives sent her to emergency surgery and found out the huge tumor had metastasized, and the cancerous cells had spread to her other organs. The doctor had no solution but to ask her to go home as nothing further could be done. One month after the surgery, at around 3:00 p.m. on June 3, 2004, she and her neighbor Ms. Li Yanzhi (over 60 years old, also a Falun Gong practitioner) went to the Saertu Superstore to buy some food. One their way back they told a pedestrian "Falun Dafa is Good." Two policemen from the Zhanqian Police Station then arrested and took them to the Zhanqian Police Station. At around 11:00 p.m. they were put into Daqing City's Detention Center where they are currently detained. Li Yanzhi's children are extremely worried about her condition.

2. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Gongyi City's Police Department Personnel Arrest Dafa Practitioner Xing Fusheng

At around 1:00 p.m. on May 25, 2004, personnel from the Gongyi City Police Department and National Security Team arrested practitioner Mr. Xing Fusheng, 41, from the Shangjie District in Zhengzhou City and took him to Gongyi City's Detention Center, where he was tortured. On May 27, the National Security Team confiscated Xing Fusheng's money and forced his wife to sign a detention registration paper and fingerprint the document.

Relevant telephone numbers:
(Country code: 86, area code: 371)
Xing Fusheng: 8190986
Gongyi City Police Department: 4352001
Gongyi City Police Department Detention Center: 4121445

3. [Qi County, Henan Province] Arrest and Savage Beating of Five Practitioners, Including Zuo Hongqin and Zuo Xiankang

On May 12, 2004, five practitioners, including Ms. Zuo Hongqin and Mr. Zuo Xiankang from Zuowa Village, Hugang Township, Qi County, Henan Province, went to Yuzhen Township to hang up Dafa banners and distribute truth-clarifying materials, but officers from the Yuzhen Police Precinct arrested and brutally beat Zuo Hongqin and Zuo Xiankang in the police precinct. Afterward, Zuo Hongqin could not walk for many days, and Zuo Xiankang was beaten so severely that he lost consciousness. After he came to, he was sent to Qi County's Detention Center, but was not accepted. Then the police secretly sent Zuo Xiankang to the Yuzhen Hospital and blocked all information about him. A few days later, Zuo Hongqin was sent to Zhengzhou City's Shibalihe Female Forced Labor Camp and is currently held there. Zuo Xiankang was sent to a forced labor camp in Kaifeng City. He has difficulty walking even now, and in spite of this he has been sent to the Fourth Brigade to load phosphate fertilizer, where the environment is very poor. Detainees in the Fourth Brigade there have to work over ten hours each day. Sometimes the detainees have to work until midnight, or even 1:00 a.m. or 2:00 a.m.

At the time, Li Yuanting was Yuzhen Township's Police Precinct chief and Liang Zhijun was the political instructor. Both were cruel and malicious.

Phone numbers of those personally responsible for the persecution:
Police Li Yuanting (is now the Xiguan Police Precinct chief): 86-13503488558 (cell), 86-378-8994806 (home)
Liang Zhijun: 86-378-8993037 (home)

4. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Arrest of Practitioner Couple Yin Juncai

It is said that Dafa practitioner Ms. Yin Juncai, 55, was recently arrested. Her husband, deputy director of the city's Land Administration Bureau and director of the Developing District's Land Administration Bureau, was arrested as well. The couple is being held in the detention center of the provincial National Security Department. Their son and daughter-in-law were also illegally detained for 15 days for interfering with and trying to prevent their parents' arrest. Further details are under investigation.

5. [Wuji County, Hebei Province] Persecution of Practitioner Couple Geng Jicai and Wang Minxue

In March 2004, Dafa practitioner couple Geng Jicai and Wang Minxue was arrested by personnel from the Wuji County Police Department, Hebei Province, and held in the county detention center. In May, Geng Jicai was sent to the Second Brigade of Shijiazhuang City's Forced Labor Camp. Two policemen, Yin Zhizhang and Zhao Genshuan, were ordered to monitor him, and no visitors are allowed. Wang Minxue was sent to Hebei Province's Brainwashing Center where she was deprived of sleep for 24 hours.

Responsible units and their phone numbers (Country code: 86, area code: 311):
Wuji County, Hebei Province Police Department:
Executive office: 5571587
Supervisor's office: 5571687
Detention Center: 5560136

Second Brigade, Shijiazhuang City's Forced Labor Camp
Operator: 7776345, 7777689

Legal Institutional Education & Training Center:
Education section phone number: 7754007, 7792624-8012 or 8013
Heads of the center: Guo Suoshan, Li Aiguo, Han, Yuan (female) and Liang

6. [Chongqing City] Holding of Practitioner Peng Xiaomei in a Brainwashing Class

Practitioner Ms. Peng Xiaomei, about 40 years old, is an employee of the Computer Science Department of Chongqing City's Advanced Electric Power College. On May 3, 2003 she was arrested after the evening class. She was initially held in the Jiulongpo Detention Center, but in December she managed to escape using the power of her righteous thoughts. A few days after returning home, personnel from the college's "610 Office" (1) and from the Huangjiaoping District put her into the city's brainwashing program where she is currently detained.

7. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Dafa Practitioner Li Huiyun Is Still Being Detained at a Brainwashing Center and Enduring Mental Torture

Dafa Practitioners Mr. Song Hongshui and his wife Ms. Li Huiyun are employees of the College of Electronics, Hebei Province Science Technology University in Shijiazhuang City. In late February 2004 they were captured and taken to Heibei Province's Capital Legal System Training Center, which is actually a brainwashing center. Li Huiyun is presently being detained at the brainwashing center and has been mentally traumatized.

Hebei Province's Capital Legal System Training Center, a brainwashing center
Address: Beicheng Road in Shijiazhuang City, Heibei Province, China
Telephone Switchboard: 86-311-7754007, 7792624
The heads of the center are: Han Jianyong, Liang Chao, Yuan Lixin (personnel from the "610 Office," 86-311-7712647), Yao Fang, Li Aiguo (in charge of logistics), and Wang Jianguo (in charge of brainwashing).

8. [Sanhe City, Hebei Province] Illegal Detention of Secondary School Teacher Guo Song for Studying Dafa

On May 12, when Guo Song, a teacher at Sanhe City's No. 10 Secondary School in Hebei Province went to work, he was abducted from the school. He is currently detained at Sanhe City's No. 3 Detention Center. It was heard that Guo Song clarified the truth of Falun Gong to his colleagues as well as told them how he benefited from practicing Falun Gong. But someone reported him to the Langfang City "610 Office," whose enforcers personally participate in the persecution of Guo Song.

Guo Song is honest and kind, and is recognized as one of the best teachers in the school. After July 20, 1999, when he watched the TV programs slandering Falun Gong, he found too many suspect points. In order to find out the truth, he began to read Dafa books and thus he walked on the path of Dafa practice. After the school authorities found out that he practices Falun Gong, the school suspended his teaching position and transferred him to the supervision office..

9. [Macheng City, Hubei Province] Detention of Dafa Practitioner Zhou Xiancheng for Distributing Dafa Truth-clarifying Video Discs

Practitioner Zhou Xiancheng, 63, is from Macheng City, Hubei Province. Officers from Macheng City's Baiguo Police Precinct arrested Zhou on April 17, 2004 for distributing Falun Gong truth-clarifying video discs. Zhou has been sent to the No. 2 Division of the city's detention center.

Related phone numbers (Country code: 86, area code: 713):
Administrator Huang, Macheng City's Police Department: 2993411 (Office)
Supervisor Xue, No. 2 Division of Macheng City's Detention Center: 2955173
Office of the No.2 Division, Macheng City's Detention Center: 2955173
Chief Xiong of the Baiguo Police Precinct: 2625210 (Office)

10. [Hebei Province] Dafa Practitioner Liang Yuhua Is Detained at the Xuanhua City Detention Center for Clarifying the Truth of Falun Gong

Ms. Liang Yuhua is from Xuanhua City, Hebei Province. Local police arrested her on April 2, 2004, when she was clarifying the truth of Falun Gong in Xilinhaote City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. She is presently being detained at Zhangjiakou City's Xuanhua Detention Center, Hebei Province. Further details are not available.

Persons from Xuanhua City's Police Department arrested her one year ago. On the way to the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp she escaped using the power of her righteous thoughts, but has since then lived a homeless life to avoid illegal arrest.

(1) 610 Office - An agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.